Chapter 13

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It was decided. Tomorrow Isaac and I would set off towards Vampire town. OK, it wasn't actually called that, it was called Bowly Square. Apparently it was a large town, so it really baffled me as to why it was called square. But, hey, they're vampires, what do you expect?

I still had to tell Jack. Which was impossible due to all the time he was spending with Anna. She was still oblivious to the whole werewolf thing. I wondered how he would react? Would he try to stop me? Was it better to just leave a note? Somehow, after everything we'd been through, a note didn't seem right.

I had to tell him. Face to face.

I knew where he'd be. At school, with Anna. I mustered up all the courage I had in me and stepped through the old, creaky, wooden doors into the library. The smell of old books hit me like a wave. Books were lined neatly on the bookshelves.

The floor was a ratty light brown colour that had many stains upon it. The walls were white, and indents of students names could be seen, as well as faded graffiti. A row of laptops and chairs faced a window wall, letting in a little warmth. Jack stood over Anna.

Jack wore his usual shorts and a green shirt, his brown hair was sticking up, like he'd been constantly running his hands through it. Come to think about it, he looked worried, his eyes were ringed in red. Maybe he was nervous about revealing the truth to Anna.

Anna had her blond hair tied up in one high pony tail, her eyes were outlined in black dust. She wore blue jeans and a purple hoodie. She was staring intently at something on the computer screen. She wouldn't notice if Jack was gone for a few seconds.

"Psst! Jack!" I whispered.

His head whipped over to mine, a grin etched onto his face. He followed me behind a bookshelf so we were hidden by all the books.

"Thank God, you're okay!" He exclaimed, his face looked relieved.

I was confused. "What? Of course I'm okay..."

"Jared said he saw you kissing Isaac, and you know with him being a vampire I thought... Well, you know," he blurted out. Crap, Jared saw us?

"About that, Jack I need to tell you something. I did kiss Isaac-" Jack's face looked outraged, murderous. I continued talking before he did or said something he'd regret. "And, well he's taking me to his vampire king, because he wants me. Jack, he was the reason my mum died, I can't just stand here and do nothing!"

A flicker of understanding flashed in Jack's face, but it was soon replaced by a determined no face. "Absolutely not. One human among many vampires, can you imagine what they'd do?!" I hadn't thought about that. Would they be tempted?

Before I could reply a deep, husky voice beat me to it. "She's under my protection. I won't let anyone hurt her." It was Isaac, he came to stand by the side of me. His black hair fell over one of his fierce silver eyes. Again, he wore black skinny jeans, similar to mine and a leather jacket.

"Does that include yourself?" Jack asked harshly. Oh God, this was supposed to be a conversation not an argument.

"I'm sure you're familiar with what a mate is, aren't you, Jack? Well, vampires have them also." I didn't know that. It looked like Jack didn't either, he looked gobsmacked. What the hell was Isaac thinking, kissing me, making me feel that way when he had a mate?

"Woah. Back up! You asshole, you can't go around kissing people if you have a mate out there!" I growled whipping around to face Isaac. He turned to me and his cold face softened.

"I know," he said. I stood there shocked. Did this mean I was Isaac's mate? No. I couldn't be, could I?

"She's your mate?" Jack enquired furiously. Isaac, still looking at me nodded his head. My red hair suddenly felt like fire, my face started to heat. Almost nervously, Isaac grabbed me by the waist and pulled me into him.

Jack's eyes bored into mine. "Jade, no. Don't do this! This happened to your mum! How do you know he won't be able to resist the temptation?" Isaac's hold tightened. He snarled at Jack.

"I won't hurt her. And, if I do, you have the pleasure of killing me." This was turning into twilight. I had to stop this.

"Look, I'm going, whether you like it or not, okay?" I asked Jack. He just turned and stalked off without another word.

"That was your fault, why couldn't you just let me talk to him?!" I growled at Isaac, I didn't let him reply, I didn't even want to see the hurt look on his face. I just wanted to sleep and get ready for tomorrow.

Now everything was messed up, Jack was pissed at me, I was pissed at Isaac and Isaac was just pissed off in general. Why did life have to be so complicated?  I just hoped that nothing too bad would go wrong in Bowly, otherwise, let's face it, we'd be dead. Well, Isaac would be a pile of ashes and I'd probably become the next snack.

I had to say, I wasn't looking forward to that.

Actually, I didn't think I was looking forward to any of it. As long as I had my mother's stakes with me, then I'd be fine. A mental image of myself plunging one of my mother's stakes through King John's heart had me grinning on the way home. Soon, I would see John die.

Even if I ended up getting killed in the process.


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