Chapter 10

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"Vampires have a Lord?" I asked. I know, stupid right? Out of all the things that I could've asked, I asked that. Isaac and I still sat under the tree. We were alone, the bell rang ten minutes ago, and whilst everyone else went rushing through the grimy doors, I sat under the shade of the tree, thinking about this new news. I stared at the slender blades of grass, as if they could somehow answer my silent plea. 

Tell me what I was missing.

Isaac raised his eyebrows, his cheekbones making me drool on the inside. God, I could touch them from here, run my fingers along the edge and-

No. I was so not going there.

He picked at a loose thread in his black skinny jeans. "Yeah, I guess you could call him the Vampire King, but he prefers Lord. His real name is John, but only a selected few know that, the ones he trusts. I guess you could say that he sets the laws, but we're not strict, as long as we don't get found out then he leaves most of us alone, but... they are a few that he wants. Whether that's because they're strong, fast or whatever, but I have no idea why he wants you," Isaac explained.

I felt like a cold, skeletal finger was drawing patterns on the back of my neck. The ones he trusts. Did that mean that Isaac was working for John? Could I trust Isaac? I wanted to ask him, about where his loyalties lay, but I couldn't. Partly because I knew his answer wouldn't be me, and that made me feel almost disappointed. It was also partly because, I could use this to my advantage. If Isaac thought I didn't suspect him then I could play him, get the information from him subtly and keep myself safe.

"No, neither do I," I replied. If I played it casual then I could do this, get the information I needed then run. Just run. Leave and never return, stay in hiding. 

"I could find out," Isaac said, a little hesitantly. I furrowed my eyebrows, the sun notched up higher, making me feeler warmer, sweat was starting to form under my armpits. What did Isaac mean? It was almost like he was saying his loyalty was with me... but it couldn't be, could it?

"What?" I asked. If he was trusting me and not this king, I must be more than just an acquaintance to him.  "And why would you do that?" 

Isaac edged backwards; out of the sunlight. The branches made a bush of a shadow for him, shrouding him in semi-darkness. "Look, don't get me wrong, I know I'm a vampire, and I'm supposed to follow the law," - he rolled his eyes - "but this is wrong. He can't just demand that a human be brought to him. It's not right. And, I can't believe I'm about to say this. I like you, I don't want to see you hurt buy him." Isaac said 'him' with bitterness, almost like it repulsed him to think of John.

Something must've happened between them. Isaac liked me? Maybe the saying: 'When a boy annoys you, it really means he likes you' was true. From the moment we first met, he'd pissed me off. Killing the rogue vampire, when I could handle it. Snide comments, rude remarks, taking the piss out of my werewolf best friend. I knew I should say something nice back, but honestly? It just wasn't me.

"What happened? Did John steal your snack once?" I taunted. Isaac's face darkened, and, for one sickly moment, I thought he was going to attack me. 

"No. He's my step father."


The satin quilt of my bed stuck to my sweaty legs, I'd been in the same position for two hours, reading a book. My blinds were drawn, leaving my room in a blanket of darkness, the only light was the circular patch of LED from my small, black torch. I couldn't even see the outline of my wardrobe. After Isaac had revealed Vampire King, John, was his step father, I'd bailed. I grabbed my bags, ran and locked myself in my house.

Of course, at the time I wasn't thinking. He was a vampire, he could've caught me at any moment. Which probably meant that Isaac understood my worry. How could I trust him, when it was his family that was wanted me? Heck, for all I knew, this attempt at friendship was to just lure me in, then drug me and take me to his castle, or underground base. Whatever, you get the point.

But, his obvious dislike towards his step father had me pondering whether Isaac really didn't want John to get his hands on me, after all, for all I knew, John had done something terrible to Isaac, and for revenge, Isaac was keeping me close, so John couldn't have the one thing he desired. 

The heavy feeling of betrayal sank my heart into the depths of my chest. Did my father know? If so, why didn't he tell me? Was Isaac helping me? Was I being paranoid? Who could I trust? Jack had his own problems with Anna, and Jared was totally useless. He was a human, oblivious to this whole charade. 

I changed into some small blue shorts, and a loose purple tank top, setting the torch on the wooden bedside table so I could see, then I threw my discarded clothes in a heap in the corner of the room. I crawled into bed and tried to banish all the questions floating around in my head. It was utterly impossible, I had nowhere or no one to turn to. Hoping for some quiet, I shut my eyes tight and replayed all the happy memories of my mother. 

Shortly after tossing and turning, and distant memories, I was asleep, nothing but a calm sea of nothingness, a calm before the storm of questions that would explode my head when I would awaken. 







Another chapter! 




Or don't, your choice.  

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