Chapter 4:

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I had to admit Isaac's words stung like a bitch. I shrugged them off and decided that I'd kill that son of a bitch next time he so much as disrespected me.

"Jade!" A feminine voice screamed from behind me. Anna.

I was sitting on a rusty park bench, the coolness was numbing my legs but it felt good. It was six o'clock and it was starting to get dark. The fading light seemed to enhance the beauty of the forest next to me. The grass swayed, the trees swished. The dirt at the edge of the forest seemed to shift and I whipped my head in that direction. For one sickening moment I could've sworn two blood red eyes were staring back at me. I brushed the thought off as the blond hair eccentric came bounding up to me.

"Anna!" I exclaimed, faking enthusiasm.

She sat down next to me, I could feel the heat radiating off her. Her purple faded jeans fit snug around her legs, her black high heels were at least three inches. Her tight red t-shirt seemed to show a lot of cleavage. She wore a lot of make-up. Her eyes were outlined, her lips were glossed and her eyes were shadowed. I saw a glimmer in brown eyes.

"Have you been out?" I asked, frowning at the thought of what - or rather who - could've done to her.

"Yes!" she squeals "I met this guy at the supermarket the other night! He was gorgeous! But he was... weird..." She trailed off. My suspicion grew.

"Weird how?" I asked, my voice strained.

"Well," She turned to look at me a sorrowful look in her gaze. "He kept asking me about... you."

"Me?" I asked incredulous.

"Well, not you directly. But he was asking me if I had any new friends at school, if there was anyone new who seemed... guarded. It was really weird..."

"Well what did you tell him?" I pressed.

She raised her eyebrows at me. "I'm not stupid. I told him that there was a new girl, but that I didn't know her. But then he got even more... weird... so I told him I was thirsty and he offered to get me a drink. Whilst he was gone I gave him the slip."

I laughed at this. "Can you imagine his face?" I asked between breaths. After a moment she joined me in laughing. A twig snapping caught my attention. I snapped my head towards the noise. In the faint light I could make out two figures. One was tall and slender, the other was fatter and more pronounced. The taller man had silver hair and wore tatty clothes, the other man was bald and he wore more expensive clothes.

I watched as their fangs came out.

"Anna, get behind me. Now," I whispered to her. She followed my gaze and crept behind me. Lifting my tartan skirt that I favoured to my blue jeans, I grabbed my stake. The strangers hissed at me.

Boy, there were more vampires here than I thought.

"Put that away now, don't want you getting hurt do we?" The taller man asked in a mocking tone. A sardonic smile crept onto the other man's face.

They stepped closer and, in warning, I raised my hand higher.

"What do you want?" I asked. I thought it a bit more than coincidental that I'd been concerned more than once by some vampires.

"Red hair, sky blue eyes, those thin lips... they match the description don't they John?" The thinner one asked his partner - John.

His smile only grew wider. "We've hit the jackpot," he agreed.

My eyes narrowed. "What description?"

Both of their heads snapped to meet my gaze. "Now Jade, you didn't really think that we'd let you go so easily, did you?" He asked again in a mocking tone.

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