Chapter 14

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We were in the sewers. According to Isaac the only way to get into Bowly Square without being noticed was the sewers. If you went the normal way, across the border then you'd be stopped, if you weren't vampire you'd most probably be sent back.

That was the only way in, bar the sewer of course, the rest of the town was protected by a tall, ominous stone wall.

So Isaac said.

A big stone wall? I didn't think so. Surely someone would get suspicious. Then again if all the myths about what vampires could do were true then I doubted it. The gush of water was loud in my ears, the murky water was beneath me, Isaac and I were walking in the cobble pathway above the water.

The smell was horrible, it burned my nostrils and made me gag. There was little light, just the tiny illumination of Isaac's torch lighting our way. The whole structure was arched, like it came out of a medieval book.

"This seriously is disgusting," I complained. I felt like someone in an action movie, ready for the big chase.

"I don't see your problem, you're being such a girl," he said.

I rolled my eyes, I'd gotten used to Isaac's rude remarks and if I really was his mate then he didn't mean what he was saying.

"Yeah, well you don't have to breathe in this stench!" I growled.

"Now, now. After all this we can sit down and cuddle, if you'd like," he jokingly said.

"No way. If you say anything like that again then I'll punch you."

I heard him sigh, like he actually wanted to sit and cuddle with me. The thought was tempting and made me shiver with delight, however this was not the time or place.

"We're almost there," he said, dejectedley. I almost felt bad for him, and then I smelled the piss and I just wanted to stake him.

I sighed and couldn't believe I was saying this. "Look, I'm sorry. I'm not used to this, I just found out we're mates and you're a vampire, I've been trained to kill your kind, this is all new to me. So, I'm sorry." I was technically admitting my weakness.

"It's okay, I'll give you time. It's new to me too, I'm used to taking the piss out of you," I could hear the grin in his voice. "And, for the record, as cliché as it sounds, you're different."

"OK, OK, this is getting way too lovey dovey, let's stop before you declare you ever lasting love for me," I said and laughed so hard that I ended up snorting. All the while Isaac was quiet, just observing my shaking body. I hadn't realised we'd stopped.

"What's so funny about that?" He asked quietly. Shit, had I offended him? I hoped not. Before I could reply he turned his expression to one that was void of emotions and said: "We're here."

The archway opened up into a mossy stone staircase, torch scrolls were lined every five or so stairs, with unlit torches inside them, the scene actually looked quite ominous. I shuddered.

"If you're cold, then you should've brought a jacket, I'm not lending you mine," Isaac stated.

"Of course not, ever the gentleman. But, don't worry, I wasn't expecting you to give it me." It would just be awkward if Isaac gave me his jacket; it was just not like him. If anything he'd try to warm himself up first, but hey, we all have our flaws.

Mine was letting people in.

"Well, let's walk into his lair then!" I said with mock enthusiasm. This should be fun, I thought to myself. I wondered what would be at the top of the stairs, another tunnel? A door? Something mundane, I seriously doubted that. They were vampires after all.

With stiff movements, Isaac climbed the staircase, I followed, swallowing my fear. I used an old trick, I told myself that I wasn't scared, and guess what? I ended up not being scared.

This brought me back to my father, I imagined him now, sitting alone in his dull office with metal walls. His box, as I liked to call it. He'd sent me here so I could have a reprieve and stop fighting. Did he even imagine that I was about to set foot in the vampire Kingdom? About to, possibly, walk into my death?

If he knew, would he be worried. Would he, like me, seek out revenge like a hungry wolf seeking an unexpecting deer? Did he even care anymore? Somehow, I thought he'd lost the will to live, maybe my mother's death had been too much for him. Or maybe he never even cared at all.

Maybe he hated me so much that he'd sent me away to lead me here and kill me himself. These thoughts came to me as the silhouette shrouded in darkness turned to face us. A single iron barred door was behind him. The floor was uneven and I nearly fell flat in my face.

His figure was a little chubby, his grey hair shone in the dark and the wicked, malicious gleam in his hard brown eyes made me stumble back.

My father. Here. Waiting...

For me?

"Hello, Jade," he said. His voice made my blood turn to ice, made my heart stop for a minute and all my thoughts turned to mush.

"I've been waiting for you. Hope you enjoyed my little trip that I sent you on," he taunted. I could see his white teeth as he grinned in the arch.

I launched myself at him, malice making my bones heavy. I would kill him. His body slammed into the dusty floor, just as I was about to throw the first punch that would, hopefully, leave a mark, I was pulled back by strong arms and slammed into a rock wall, or rather Isaac's chest.

"Don't," he warned in a low voice.

Wait. There were only two of us who knew where we going, and I certainly wouldn't tell my own dad where we were going... 

Which only left Isaac...


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