Chapter 21

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My words echoed around the small room. John actually laughed, which really didn't surprise me. Isaac just looked at me, an unreadable expression on his face. He looked utterly defeated, like he was unsure of what to do. I mean, I would be too, I'd just told him I'd loved him and said that I wanted to die. Only the latter was a lie.

Isaac looked down, refusing to drink my blood. John sighed and turned back to me. "Well, wasn't that heartwarming? It's such a shame that I have to kill you now." I fought back tears and braced myself for the pain that was about to come. 

But, it didn't.

Instead, I heard a snapping noise that ricocheted around the room, it was the sound of metal breaking. I sat up, even though it caused me immense pain, to see that Isaac had a look of pure rage on his face as he grabbed his father's throat and flung him across the room. John got back up again and roared, yes roared, at his son, they ran at each other, Isaac grabbing John's waist and squeezing, John digging his nails into Isaac's back and ripping into his flesh. Finally, after what seemed liked forever, Isaac pushed his father off of him and kicked him across the room.

The thing that I didn't expect, however, was the guards running over to him and plunge stakes into his chest. 

"I've been waiting to do that for such along time!" Exclaimed the lanky guard. He turned back to Isaac and I. "Your Majesty," he said, bowing down to Isaac. "What shall I do with him?" He asked, pointing a figure at the lifeless figure of John. 

"Just dump the body somewhere and inform the townsfolk of the news, and thank you." Isaac said. As soon as the guards had dispersed, Isaac crouched down to me and ripped the chains off of me.

"How?" I asked. If he could've done that, then why the hell did it take him so fucking long?

"Once you said that you loved me, I felt stronger. I just knew that I had to get him to stop, because, Jade, I love you too, more than anything." He gently picked up my battered body and held me close, now call me crazy, but I swear that I was starting to feel better. 

"Aren't you... Aren't you thirsty?" I asked Isaac, feeling a little bit guilty for making him hold me when he obviously needed blood. "No. I could never drink from you," he said. I looked down at my wounds and gasped when I saw that they were gone, thinking about it, I shouldn't have been surprised. When I said that I loved Isaac, he gained my strength, and when he'd said he loved me, I'd miraculously earned his immortality. I wasn't a vampire or anything, I just somehow knew that I wouldn't be getting older any time soon. 

I had a goofy grin on my face as I thought what that meant. I could spend so much more time with Isaac. Hopping down, I placed my feet firmly on the ground, this was where I belonged. I looked up, saw Isaac staring at me and I couldn't wait any longer. I inched closer and planted my lips on his, he responded instantly, biting my bottom lip and fighting for dominance. The fire that ignited my body felt so good, that once we stopped and the fire died out, I found myself missing the feeling.  

"What happens now?" I asked quietly, then realising that I'd just ruined the moment, I cursed myself. We'd officially declared our love for eachother, and whilst I didn't exactly hate the idea of living the rest of my life with Isaac, I didn't want to do it in the midst of vampires.

Isaac took a step backwards. "I need to stay here. I can't abandon them now, they're looking up to me." Isaac had that hard look back into his eyes. I contemplated what I should do. I felt like I needed a break from all of this, just a few months to clear my head, and then I could come back. However, I knew that that was me being selfish, and that if I did that then I'd be hurting Isaac.

I sighed dramatically, a mocking frown forming on my face. "Well," I said, dragging the word out to get Isaac's attention, which I did. He looked terrified. "I guess I could stick around for a few years." Isaac grinned, and I couldn't help but grin back. I jumped back into his arms, holding him close, afraid to let go. He kissed the top of my head, and as his lips lingered there I felt the burning sensation again, ironically, it caused me to shiver and Isaac pulled me even closer.

I dragged his head down and pulled him down for another kiss, which sooned turned into a full on make out session. We jumped apart when a clearing of a throat sounded from behind us, it was the beefy guy who had restrained me earlier, Isaac's grip tightened. Beefy guy blushed, which looked comical, I would've laughed if I wasn't so embarrassed.

"Your Majesties," he said bowing. "Word has been spread and a date has been set for you official crowning of King and Queen." With that said, he left the room. I slowly turned to face Isaac, and stepped out of the embrace.

"Did he just say crowning?!" I whispered. Holy shit, I was not ready for this! I'd only just committed to staying, I wasn't ready for becoming a Queen! "I can't be a Queen!" I started to panic, my face contorted, scrunching up and my breathing became rapid. 

Isaac's arms immediately calmed me. "You don't have to do it straight away, you can take your time, adjust to things, no one's forcing you into this." I tried to focus on the sound of his voice, but a thousand thoughts were fighting for dominance. 

"I will be able to leave right? And visit my friends?" I blurted out, feeling stupid. 

Isaac laughed, his eyes scrunching up at the corners, "Of course, Jade! This isn't prison." I rolled my eyes and fell back into his warm embrace. I felt like I was finally somewhere where I belogned. 




Peace out! xD


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