twelve - back from the dead, bitch.

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Wednesday's eyes fluttered open and Juliette was sitting next to her, her leg bouncing up and down anxiously. Juliette saw that Wednesday's eyes were open and jumped up almost immediately.

"Juliette? I thought you were dead.."

"Woah.. you really did get knocked out. I'm not dead Wednesday, I'm right here. When I got attacked, Myra thought I was dead as well and punched you straight in the face. You went unconscious. I was surprised Myra could do that to someone. She probably did some witch hex though so be careful. She doesn't take this kinda thing lightly. That's probably why you were dreaming such vivid dreams. You know, considering I died."

Wednesday furrowed her eyebrows. "I imagined it all? You didn't really die?"

"I was close to dying but I always have my book on me so I was fine. Weems found me and so did Myra. She got angry at you and stormed to your dorm. She told Enid that I had died and then all shit went down. She released her full-ass witch mode. That punch made you dizzy but then she said a hex that not many people know, and made you unconscious." Wednesday let out a little cry that made Juliette chuckle.

"I'm so sorry Jules.. I didn't mean any of it. I- I just got scared because I thought that you would leave me... all your friends like you and I just thought that I wasn't enough." Wednesday looked at the ground embarrassed. "How long have you been here?"

Juliette checked her watch then said, "Uh.. about twenty-seven hours? I wanted to be here when you woke up. I get what you did but I want you to know that you're the only one I want. I love you not them. No offence but if I didn't love you then I wouldn't be here right now. Plus, I mean I don't know how long we have left. It's been what, like... two months? And I've already died in your dreams."

"You love me?" Wednesday's heart rate sped up drastically and she

"That's all you got from that? I do Wednesday Addams. I love you with my whole heart and I will until it stops beating." Juliette moved closer to her and held onto her hand lightly. Wednesday blushed and covered it by punching Juliette softly in the arm. "That's the Wendy I love."

"I love you too idiot." Juliette grinned widely and rested her hands on Wednesday's cheeks. "Hurry up and kiss me before get up and leave." Juliette laughed and nodded quickly. She leaned in and locked lips with the other girl. Wednesday's head tilted up towards the ceiling and her dark eyes flickered.

"Daling, please give me the bat. You don't use it to hit your sister." A little child ran under Juliette's legs and a soft laughter escaped the toddler. Wednesday looked at her hands and noticed she was older and also had a wedding ring on her finger. She felt a pair of small hands tug at her skirt and when she looked down, a little boy held his arms up.

"Up mummy, up." Wednesday hesitantly lifted him up and rested him on her hip. Mummy? She saw Juliette in the distance running after a little girl in braids with a bat in hand. Another girl was on Juliette's shoulders, giggling. Juliette ended up catching the toddler and also rested her on her hip while the other remained on her shoulders. "Mama!"

The boy jumped off her hip and rushed towards Juliette. "Hi baby!" She somehow managed to also lift him up and they made their way up to Wednesday. "Hello love." She kissed Wednesday's cheek and then they all sat down on the picnic blanket that was set up.

"Are you okay mummy?" The little girl that stole her hairstyle asked.

"Yes darling, I'm okay." Wednesday smiled softly and Juliette reached for her hand.

"Now, as it is Flora and Delilah's birthday, I say... we eat cake!" Juliette said then, with a flick of her finger, made all sorts of food appear on the picnic. There were sausage rolls, chocolate covered strawberries, little sandwiches cut into triangles, fruits of all sorts and a large cake that had the words "Delilah and Flo's 6th birthday" written in pink frosting.

"Mama? Can we eat now please? I might die of starvation." Delilah pouted and put her hands together.

"I assure you that you won't my love but eat away. Baby, could you please pass the strawberries for me."

"Okay mama." Cedric passed the strawberries over and Juliette tried to read Wednesday's expression.

"Is everything okay?" Juliette lay her head down on Wednesday's lap and Wednesday instinctively placed her hand gently on her head and played with her raven hair. "Remember, communication cara mia. Don't ever feel like you can't talk to me."

"I.. I'm just shocked at how fast the twins are growing up. That's all." Juliette smiled.

"Mmm, it's all gone so fast. Remember, your parents are coming over later so remind me to prepare the guest room. It hasn't been touched in a while. Speaking of not being touched in a whi-" Wednesday hit her stomach playfully. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

"Not in front of the children Jules." Juliette chuckled lowly and Wednesday stared at her lovingly.

 Juliette and she were married and had children. Three beautiful children. Flora, Delilah and Cedric. Flora took after herself. Same eye colour and fiesty temper. The other two had Juliette's deep blue eyes and bubbly personality. They all had their mother's raven hair. Wednesday felt... happy. This was her future and she was so glad that it was.

"I love you Juliette."

"I love you too Wendy." Juliette kissed Wednesday's hand.

"Ew mama." Their children all groaned.

"Wednesday?" Juliette held onto Wednesday as she came back to the present. "What happened?"

"I had a vision." Wednesday smiled sweetly at Juliette.

"About what?"

"You'll find out later on." Juliette groaned and lay back onto the bed where Wednesday was placed. "Let's get out of here. We have a murder mystery on our hands and I'm not going it without you. So... are you in?"

"Always. Oh and here-" Juliette handed her a locket carefully. "This was a birthday present. Happy belated birthday love." Wednesday let Juliette put it on and held it tightly.

"I'm never taking this off." Wednesday grabbed Juliette's hand and unexpectedly kissed it. "I'll do better I promise."

"You don't need to do better, just be yourself." Juliette gleamed then took Wednesday out of the infirmary. They ignored all of the hard stares and whispers they got from some of the other students and head towards Wednesday's dorm.

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Lmfao - I felt bad so I changed up the story (gotta keep you guys on your toes)... I'm sorry everyone, please don't kill me now. It's a short chapter but surely I've made you all better now? Please say I have...

Anyways, the next chapter will be longer I hope. I've been pretty busy lately.

I'll try not to kill Juliette this time. In all honesty, I think I was on something when I wrote that chapter. I was full of this weird fury... I don't know where it came from.

You guys better watch out though... People are dying left, right and center.

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