fifteen - pasta?

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( The plot may be a little different for this, Wednesday never went on the date with Tyler because he's a manipulator and a gaslighter, BUT Tyler did try to kiss Wednesday and all that good stuff will unravel later ;) )

(  The plot may be a little different for this, Wednesday never went on the date with Tyler because he's a manipulator and a gaslighter, BUT Tyler did try to kiss Wednesday and all that good stuff will unravel later ;)  )

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Juliette had practically moved into Wednesday's dorm now that Myra had injured herself and Enid didn't want to leave her side so after tying Scooby to the end of her bed, she left to collect a few books. Juliette hadn't bothered to knock, assuming they were sleeping as that was what they were best at and walked into them heavily making out. Myra lifted her hand and with a swish of her finger, books came flying out of the door and hit the wall opposite her.

Juliette chuckled and turned around again. Before closing the door she yelled "Use protection!" and the door slammed in front of her.

Juliette whistled back to her and Wednesday's dorm and unlocked the door clumsily. Scooby barked excitedly and Juliette attempted to quiet him down by throwing him his new toy. He chewed on it softly, one paw over it while the other was spread across the floor. Juliette flopped down onto her bed and realised that it'd be almost impossible to keep Scooby out of the teacher's eyes for the rest of the year. She shut her eyes tiredly and passed out, hoping that Wednesday would be back soon. She was doing something with Fester and Juliette didn't want to disrupt their bonding.

Scooby leapt onto the bed and snuggled next to the sleeping girl. Using his teeth, he pulled the blanket over Juliette's legs and fell asleep next to her. She unconsciously draped her arm over Scooby and scratched him lightly.

"Jules? Wake up. You missed dinner." Juliette's eyes fluttered open to find Wednesday hovering over her. "Here."

Juliette pushed herself up and leaned up against her bed frame. Wednesday held a plate of pasta and placed it on the bedside table. Juliette smiled softly and hit the bed for Wednesday to go and sit next to her. She did and Juliette's legs became entangled with Wednesday's. Wednesday ran her fingers through Juliette's hair and sighed. They rested their heads against the frame until Wednesday's fell onto Juliette's shoulder and Juliette lay hers down on her head.

Juliette reached over to grab the pasta plate and began to eat it slowly. "Did you make this?"

Wednesday hummed and Juliette could almost feel the smirk creep onto her lips. "I may or may not have snuck into the kitchen and made it."

Juliette pecked the top of Wednesday's head and thanked her quietly. They lay in silence, Wednesday playing with Juliette's rings on her free hand while Juliette used her other to eat her pasta.

Scooby was resting his head on Wednesday's lap while his body was on Juliette's. Wednesday swallowed thickly and looked up at Juliette guiltily.

"What's on your mind, pretty girl?"

Wednesday knitted her eyebrows and gulped.

"Tyler... tried to... kiss me." Juliette leapt out of bed angrily and already started to make her way to the door. "Juliette stop!"

"No actually, I won't fucking stop. If Tyler tries to kiss my girl, he should think about the consequences."

Juliette sloppily put her shoes on and then rushed out of the door, ignoring the voice of Wednesday. Juliette almost flew down the flight of stairs and ran out into the heavy air, where the dark sky had stars revealing themselves one by one. Wednesday, who had already done enough running, could only slowly jog down the stairs.

"Oh, how that escalated." She muttered to herself and once she made it to the bottom, noticed Juliette hop onto her bike and speed down the hill.

Wednesday groaned and crossed her arms. She vowed never to run after someone after watching one of those cheesy, rom-com movies with Juliette the other night. Wednesday decided that Juliette could take on Tyler and was secretly proud of her for doing it. She hated that Tyler tried to kiss her. After all, Wednesday was in a "very serious relationship" as she called it and wouldn't ever date someone else over Juliette.

I mean, in Wednesday's eyes, Juliette was the most perfect human in the world.

She was gentle, at least towards Wednesday, and fiercely protective over her. Just like Wednesday was but in her case, she broke up with the poor girl instead. Wednesday rolled her eyes at her inner thoughts and made her way back into Nevermore. It was too late anyways for Wednesday. As much as she hated to admit it, Juliette made her soft (only towards her though) and Wednesday almost always craved her touch.

She presumed that was just hormones acting up but even then, she wanted to be back in bed and watch another movie with her Juliette by her side.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

"You have some nerve to try and kiss Wednesday." Juliette stormed into Weathervane and shoved Tyler backwards onto a table. She positioned herself in front of him and glared. "We had a deal."

"No, you had a deal with Laurel." Tyler got up, limped over to his broom and leant onto it. "I can do whatever I want. She deserves a man. Not some witchy lesbian."

Juliette whipped out her knife and held it against his throat. "Don't try me. We agreed that when she broke up with me, she could have a choice on who she'd go to when she woke up. Wednesday chose me. Not some manipulative bitch with a small dick."

"Oh please, you probably hexed her so she'd go back to you."

Juliette frowned and pushed the knife deeper into Tyler and blood trickled down his neck. "You know I didn't. Anyways the deal's off. I don't care anymore, but you and Laurel better not come near Wednesday or I'll kill you," She adds more pressure. "Both."

Tyler gasped for air as Juliette let go and she strolled away. She flicked her finger before leaving and a shelf full of mugs went crashing down to the ground. Tyler cursed under his breath and then doubled over in pain and when he lifted his shirt, he found his stitches opened up again.

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Hello everyone - I've recently read about the Percy situation and I'm utterly disgusted. I stand with the victims as I have also been a victim of SA and won't have Percy as Xavier's faceclaim anymore.

Instead I'll have Ethan Cutkosky as his faceclaim. My version of Xavier suits him and Ethan is unproblematic (as far as I'm aware).

Thank you all for understanding.

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