fourteen - coming back and coming out.

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Juliette laid eyes on Wednesday's uncle. He was... very intriguing. Juliette liked intriguing. She held out her hand politely, trying to make a good-ish impression on Wednesday's immediate family. He gladly reached for her hand and when they met, Juliette felt a shock go through her hand.

"Uncle." Wednesday sternly grumbled. Juliette chuckled and skipped over to her cheerily. She kissed her cheek softly and Wednesday's pale skin turned rosy for a second. 

"Wednesday?" Uncle Fester's nowhere to be seen eyebrows were raised and he gasped softly.

"Right.. well," Wednesday started, realising she now had to formally come out to her uncle. She had come out to her parents just before they left Nevermore and now they keep sending her books like Safety for lesbians and How to love a girl, correctly. It was humiliating but Wednesday knew they had good intentions. "I'm bisexual I suppose, maybe even a lesbian? I don't know yet but all I know is that I love Juliette. Take that as you will."

"Well, you two make a cute couple." Uncle Fester giggled like a little girl and beckoned Juliette over to him then dragged her over to behind a tree. Scooby trailed behind, loyal and protective over his new owner. "If you hurt her, I'll shock you to death."

"Don't worry, I don't plan on hurting her," Juliette promised and was slightly concerned about how fast he switched up but just assumed it was an Addams thing. "I'll try my best not to fuck up."

He nodded approvingly then let her go back to Wednesday. "Jules? Are you okay?" Wednesday knew that Fester could be intimidating and full-on at times.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you okay?" Juliette held onto Wednesday's hand which was shaking. "I'm supposed to be the one that shakes and you look after me, not the other way round."

Juliette chuckled drily while Wednesday nodded slowly. She mumbles a yes then Wednesday pulled her girlfriend into a hug. Juliette was shocked at first but also grinned unconsciously while placing a kiss on Wednesday's forehead. "Can we stay like this for a little longer?"

"Of course, we have all the time in the world," Juliette muttered into Wednesday's ear softly. "You are turning soft. Damn."

"Shut up." Wednesday didn't let go of Juliette though, but in a few moments, she did. "Right, we have a murder to solve. Xavier."

"What about him?"

"He's the murderer."

"You can't be serious right? Even though that dude is moodier than you and acts all mysterious, he's kind of an idiot. I had to kill a jumping spider for him. How the hell would he kill all these people? And me? It doesn't make sense. Shit... I've got to go, Myra needs me." Juliette checked her phone as a message appeared. "She's in trouble. I'll catch up to you later, bye."

Juliette sprints off into another part of the forest and Wednesday grumbles to herself as she wanted Juliette all to herself right now.

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"Myra?" Juliette called out, hoping her best friend was okay.

"Over here." A faint voice replies. Myra was on the ground holding her leg in pain. "I think it's broken."

"Hey shh, it's okay. I've got my book." Juliette pulled out her book and Scooby licked Myra's hand, trying to comfort her.

"Who's this?" Myra started to talk to Scooby. "Wow, he admires you greatly."

Juliette kissed the top of Scooby's head then muttered some Latin and Myra shrieked. "Ow, it hurts."

"I will for a couple of hours but right now let's get out of here, this part of the forest is unfamiliar to me..."

After Juliette helped Myra up, they heard stomping coming towards them. Juliette whipped her head around and the monster was running towards them, at full speed. Juliette pulled Myra out of the way as the ugly creature took a swing at her. "Juliette.."

Myra's stomach was bleeding excessively and her vision started to go blurry. Juliette let out this weird war cry and covered her mouth, not knowing where that had come from. She instructed Myra to keep pressure on the wound for a couple of minutes. "Over here bug-eyed bitch!"

Juliette gained The Hyde's attention to keep it off killing Myra and it came rushing at her. She slid underneath it and cut its stomach open with her knife then slashed at its leg. It whimpered and quickly bolted away, limping as it left. "That's right fucker, fuck off!" Myra shouted as loud as she could, feeling victorious even though she didn't do anything.

Myra giggled but then coughed up some blood. "Oops, sorry. This is your shirt."

"You stole my shirt? Seriously?" Juliette put her hands over Myra's stomach and then mumbled some more Latin. The bleeding stopped and the open wound slowly closed itself up. "Come on, we've gotta go."

They hurried off together, Myra keeping a firm grip on Juliette's hand.

Juliette burst into her room after a long run back to Nevermore and lay Myra down on her bed. Enid looked up from her phone and asked nervously,

"Babe? Are you okay.." She rushed over to her side and slid into bed with her. Myra giggled and replied,

"I'm okay now. Juliette is my knight in shining armour. She saved me." Enid gasped and got up again to hug Juliette.

"Oh, how I love you, Juliette." Enid said.

"I love you guys too now go make out or something, I'll be leaving." The two blondes giggled and waved goodbye to Juliette and she called for Scooby to come. She now had to find a way to hide Scooby without anyone knowing.

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Sorry, just a short chapter because
a) I've been hella busy
b) I was at my dad's house and he made us do hikes and mountain biking
c) I might make chapters slightly shorter so that there are more chapters!!

Thank you, Justkindaheresooo for being a genius!!

Question: Should I (after season one finishes) write about the holidays or something like what Juliette and Wednesday do in it? Like, what would you like to see?? Please give me ideas :,)

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