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ೃ࿐ ୨⎯ "act one" ⎯୧


The word victor didn't really mean anything. Not to those who were one. Not to Rylie Ashtide. When she got out of the games, the she didn't feel as if she'd accomplished anything. She was not superior to anyone else. She'd just managed to survive longer than the others who died. Really, surviving was worse than dying. Having to live with the trauma, the guilt. For Rylie, she didn't have the guilt of killing, just the guilt of not helping enough, or so she believed. Rylie saved lives, but nothing was good enough in the games. The reality of watching names and pictures in the sky each night. You can't thank anyone you're alive, that's too evil. Instead you sit there, mourning if you knew them, feeling sorry for each of them. No one chooses life in the games. No one chooses to kill. They kill to stay alive.

Inside the victors village in District 4, the three remaining victors sat watching the finale to the 74th annual Hunger Games. The final battle, Cato, District 2 and the two from District 12, Katniss and Peeta. The 3 victors gathered in the Cornucopia after being chased by muttated wolves, created by the gamemakers.

Rylie hated the gamemakers, for obvious reasons. She believed they targeted. They targeted whoever they saw as a threat, or whoever they disliked the most. It was obvious to her and most people who'd been in the arena.

Mags, the only other female tribute from District 4 sat beside Rylie, anxiously as always. One hand on Rylie's leg, comforting both herself and Rylie, and the other hand on her head. Mags was like family to Rylie, and she was long before she was Rylie's mentor. District 4 had a tight family-like atmosphere so Rylie had known Mags since she was just a toddler.

Around two or three years ago, Mags developed a speech problem. She stopped talking completely eventually. Doctors couldn't find a cause, but most assumed it was to do with post traumatic stress. Despite this, it didn't stop Mags from being herself. She spoke as best as she could in hand signals, those close to her understood, for Mags that was enough.

Stood pacing behind the two of them was Finnick Odair. Unlike Mags, Rylie was not so keen on Finnick. The only reason they were in the same room was purely for Mags, Finnick and Rylie were the only people she had that she considered family, so they needed to get along when Mags was around. They were used to pretending, they did it enough for interviews in the Capitol and for every tour they were sent out on. People thought they were best friends when really, they were anything but.

Finnick cleared his throat, swallowing loudly as Cato was thrown off, into the wolves. Most people would be distraught at a sight like this. But growing up with the Hunger Games, death was just a evil norm.

"So they've won?" Rylie spoke standing up, questioning to why there was no announcement. Usually it was immediate.

She had no reply, everyone's eyes glued to the events in front of them.

Practically the entire of Panem wanted them to win. If it wasn't Katniss being the 'girl on fire' and Peeta's charming personality, it was the fact their love was visible to almost everybody. The Capitol adored a love story.

All of a sudden, the voice of a familiar man, Claudius Templesmith blares loud
"Attention, tributes. There has been a slight, rule change. The previous revision allowing for two victors from the same district has been revoked. Only one victor may be crowned. Good luck." His voice was cold, he didn't care.

Rylie stood onto her feet, her hand flying to her mouth, covering the gasp that came out.

"No, no, they can't do that" She turned around, panicked, looking for agreement from Finnick

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