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ೃ࿐ ୨⎯ "act one" ⎯୧


Finnick was always close with his father. He meant more to him than any other person. When he was gone, he was utterly distraught. The one reason he had to live was completely gone. That was why he couldn't seem to work out why Rylie Ashtide hated hers.

Standing in Mags' dining room, watching the stress and panic on Rylie's face was nothing other than confusing. Her sister, Nova, seemed optimistic enough about the man. Rylie on the other hand, was acting like it was the worst thing that could have happened.

She just saw Woody?

He always knew Woody Ashtide, before he had any idea about the existence of Rylie or Nova. Woody was always fishing, he was popular in the industry, just like how his wife was with the cooking. He never knew the man's name, but he knew he could be aggressive. The way he'd often shout at any little children that got near his boat or nets.

He couldn't work out why Rylie was so anxious, she did overreact a lot, it was just in her dramatic nature however this was different. Rylie was truly worried and clearly distressed.

It wasn't just distress Rylie was portraying. There was rage. So much rage.

"Ryl, he wants to see you, I said he could come by the house tomorrow" Nova spoke.

Finnick already knew what was about to happen. Rylie tended to keep her peace and clarity perfect most of the time, but no one is perfect. Finnick knew that better than most. He could sense her anger.

She was never angry, despite his hatred he knew her very well, more than she knew.
She was ridiculously stubborn, she always had to get her own way.

"What the fuck? Nova why did you say that"

'Nova has fucked up' Finnick thought to himself

He could sense the raw fury and distress in Rylie's face. Again, he wasn't sure why she was so distressed about seeing her father. He'd do anything to see his father again, absolutely anything.

Finnick couldn't take his eyes off of her, something was so mesmerising about her when she was raged. She was never raged, it was strange.

Watching her storm out of the house, slamming the door behind her urged Finnick to do something, alnost as if he really cared.

"Nova come on, we've got to go after her" he spoke, almost begging the girls sister

And that was that, together, Finnick and Nova were running out of Mags' house, careful to not slip of the fresh grass. The silhouette of Rylie remained in sight and thankfully, Finnick caught up with her.

"Hey Rylie, wait" Nova shouted.

As she turned around to reveal her already tear stained face, Finnick was truly shocked. She'd never cried. He always believed she was too strong for that. Never in the four years he'd known her, had she ever shown true emotion. The way she was opening up now hit Finnick in a way he didn't expect. Seeing her in this way really did pain him. Whilst he had no idea what was really wrong, he understood the feeling of bottled up anger and sadness.

"I can't believe you. Why did you do that" Rylie spat.

It wasn't often Finnick saw the two girls together, but when he did their relationship was harmonious. They were closer than he ever was with his brothers. Perhaps that was even more reason to why he envied the girl so much. She had everything he ever wanted.

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