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The entire district was out on the streets, a buzz of excited chatter filling the air. It seemed odd, given the current state of Panem, that everyone was so eager to hear two victors speak.

Rylie couldn't deny her own anticipation; she was eager to meet the victors, especially Katniss Everdeen. She had always admired Katniss's bravery and courage during her games. Part of her wished to emulate Katniss's strength in her own games. She was known as the gentle winner, perhaps seen as vulnerable, Rylie yearned not to be perceived as such. She aspired to be strong, to be a heroine like Katniss, someone whom the younger girls in the district could admire. Unbeknownst to her, she was already admired by more people than she realized.

"Keep up, Ash!" Finnick called out from ahead of the girl. She trailed behind the group, lost in a slight daze.

Ahead of Rylie, Mags and Finnick strode with confidence, Finnick's arm wrapped around Mags as she beamed up at him, bursting with pride. On Mags' right, Halle and Nova were engrossed in a conversation, presumably humorous, given Halle's struggle to catch her breath. Leading the pack was Orna, strutting ahead with Fletcher doing his best to keep up with her sassy pace - as usual

"Right, sorry," Rylie laughed in reply, snapping from her daze, "And how many times do I have to remind you! My name is not Ash."

She quickened her steps, catching up to Orna and linking arms with her. They were nearing to meeting to victors, and Orna's nerves were obvious.

"Orna, you need to relax a bit; you're always so tense!" Rylie said with a smile realising her tensed up arm, glancing at Orna, who, as always, looked flawless.

"Oh, she won't be calm today!" Halle interjected with a giggle, joining the conversation.

"Of course not, do you remember who we're meeting today?" Fletcher added with a smirk.

Rylie looked at Orna, who lowered her head in embarrassment, before turning to Fletch in confusion

"Effie Trinket, of course!" Finnick exclaimed with a laugh.

Effie and Orna had a history of rivalry, each always striving to outdo the other.

"Now I see why you insisted on these ridiculous outfits!" Rylie exclaimed, with Finnick nodding in agreement, "You want us to look better than her victors!"

"You don't look ridiculous, and just so you know, I'm not the least bit concerned about seeing her, right Fletcher?" Orna retorted.

Fletcher's sudden sarcastic laughter was contagious, soon the whole group joined in. They all anticipated that any encounter between Orna and Effie would be quite the spectacle.

The group continued walking until they eventually reached the stage. They took themselves to the backstage. As they entered, Rylie caught vision of the two District 12 victors, deep in conversation with Effie Trinket and Haymitch Abernathy - a previous victor from 12. Effie handed Peeta Mellark a stack of cards that acted as scripts for the two of them. Katniss was visibly nervous, Peeta looking more laid back and responsible.

Walking over to Finnick, Rylie began to speak, "Must be nice doing the tour with someone else" she giggled, remembering doing it all alone,

"Don't be dramatic, you loved all the attention on you!" Finnick smirked

"Are you joking? Do you even know Rye?" Nova laughed, eavesdropping their conversation, "Rylie liking attention" She giggled, shaking her head. 

Her sister was right, she did not like attention. In fact, she absolutely hated it. 

From the corner of her eye, Rylie caught Effie and Orna exchanging hostile glances. She smirked at their petty fueds. It was odd to see Orna so bothered by someone else; intimidation wasn't typical for her.

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