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Waking up, another morning like the last - Fletcher banging on his front door to get him up and ready. This was the only reason he never missed the team when they were back in the Capitol. Reading the clock next to his bed, the hands read seven. Rolling over and covering his ears with the pillow he was just resting his head on, he debated staying in bed forever. Eventually, the boy couldn't bear the constant knocking.

"Oh for fucks sake, Fletch, I'm coming" He muttered, getting up from bed, grabbing a sweater that was crumpled on the floor next to him.

Dressed in the scruffy sweater and striped pyjama bottoms, he checked his hair in the mirror on his way out. He looked a mess, he did give it to Fletcher needing him up this early in the morning, it was going to take a lot to make him look presentable. He made his way down the stairs, seeing a familiar blurred figure on the other side of the door, but not the one he expected to see.

"Ashtide" He smirked, as he opened the door, sarcastically quoting, "To what do I owe the pleasure"

She rolled her eyes, walking straight through without invite, barely acknowledging Finnick and throwing herself onto the armchair in Finnick's living room.

"What's the matter with you now, always in a strop" Finnick bellowed - noticing her panicked attitude, shutting the front door and following her through the house.

"Ugh, this place is more horrible than before" She grimaced, pretending to find dust along the walls.

"Thanks for that one, Ash" He grinned.

She just looked up at him through her long eyelashes, waiting for him to say something more. It was clear Halle hadn't started on getting her ready, her hair was thrown up messily into a high ponytail with little wispy bits flying away at the front. Finnick secretly thought she looked quite sweet. She was wearing a top of Nova's - white with two blue stripes across the chest. It was clearly too big for her.

"Don't think I want to be here" She said, watching him sit down on the arm of the chair she sat on, "Why on earth would I choose to be with Finnick Odair at the crack of dawn" turning sideways to look up at the boy next to her. 

"The crack of dawn?" He teased, it was obvious they both weren't morning people.

Rylie smirked at his reaction, analysing the bookshelf to the right of her. 

"So what does bring you here so early then, because trust me, I would much rather be in bed than talking to you" 

"They've been trying to get me up since six!" She dramatically cried, "I don't know what magical coffee they are on to be up and lively this early"

Finnick laughed, sinking into the arm of the chair Rylie was perched on.

"Oh god, are they really that bad again? I thought you were Fletcher coming to wake me up, but I can't lie, this is probably worse than Fletch" He complained, giving a girl a teasing rude look.

"Trust me, I know this is just as bad. Yours was the only place I could go, they won't expect me to be here" She giggled, "I mean, before I know it they'll be knocking the door down with make-up brushes, but at least I get a few more minutes of peace"

"Clever idea from you, Ash" Finnick laughed, "for once" 

She looked up at him from next to him on the chair. For a second the world stopped as their eye's locked in contact. Maybe it was the tension they'd always held - they had moments like these for longer than they could remember, most of the time they'd end in an argument, it was the easy escape. It was suddenly awkward, after that kiss. Each time they'd look at each other in this way, there were new feelings. It was like the hatred they held for one another had merged with a new feeling, one neither of them had felt before. The need for explanation lingered in the air.

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