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ೃ࿐ ୨⎯ "act one" ⎯୧


It had been just over a week since her fathers visit. Honestly, she was over it.
She knew there was not a chance Nova would force her into seeing him again.

The only issue she had was the boy who now knew it all - Finnick Odair. They hadn't spoke in five days. He hadn't even been over at Mags'. She could tell something bigger was going on. However, something inside her could feel that he didn't care about her anymore. He only cared that night. Now she was merely forgotten, until he was forced to remember her again.

The whole world were going crazy over the two lovers from District 12. Everyone in the capitol adored them, and even around Four, they were the talk of the town. It wasn't often someone interesting really came out of the games, but this time, everyone was somehow mesmerised. Some, not so convinced. Many - like Finnick, didn't buy the typical love story. Some saw it as a great opportunity to stay alive. Rylie wasn't sure. She saw the way the two of them looked at each other and wished someone could see her like that. After the games, chances of love only got lower. She knew no ordinary person would understand, no ordinary person could deal with the trauma she faced.

Rylie was stood on the beach. The sun was setting among the horizon, just above the afar waves. When she had the chance, there was nothing she loved more than escaping to the edge of the district, and disappearing for a while. Well, not just her. Of course, Nova had to join her.

"We're so lucky" Nova muttered. She was sat down below Rylie, content, gazing into the distance.

"Mhm, of course we are" Rylie replied. She was stuck in a trance. A trance of thought and process.

Sunsets - a sign of hope, warmth and life. That's what she wanted. Staring into it, the pinks and oranges blending together, gorgeously covering the sky beneath. Staring into it, for just a second, she felt content.

"What's been up with you lately, Rye" her sister said, noticing her sudden silence.

"No, nothing. It's fine- I'm fine"

"You're not. I know when you're not Rylie. I just want you to talk to me"

Truth is she wasn't fine; everything was so hard. She felt so alone, even with company, there was a lacuna in her heart that no one could fill. She wanted to be okay, she wanted to feel happy. But everything was so miserable. It had been years since her games, years since her mother. But she couldn't get over them. While she loved Nova, she didn't understand. She couldn't truly feel the pain she had.

"I'm going out tonight, you should come along, it might lift your spirits" Nova said, standing up to face her sister.

"Going out where?" She questioned in return.

District 4 was a limited place, there wasn't many great spots for social gatherings.

"Only to Finnick's" Nova said, her voice softening at the name of the boy - knowing her sister would disapprove.

"Ew, really?"

"Yeah, it's been a long time since we drank together" Nova continued

"Drinking? With Finnick Odair. That would be my worst nightmare." 

"Oh come on, don't be so boring! You should come along" Nova begged "Surely you too don't really hate each other that much"

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