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"Ten seconds! Smiles bright, remember you are best friends!" Orna bellowed.

This was real dread.

"3.. 2.. 1"

Everything stopped for a moment. It was like he was underwater. He hated the Capitol. He knew it wasn't all of them, but seeing Caesar's face, it was agonising. Everything was muffled. He could see Caesar's mouth moving on the screen, but had no idea what he was trying to say.

It was lucky he had Rylie to knock him back into reality. The girl kicked him in the shin, below camera view, reminding Finnick of the situation.

"I must ask, how are things in 4?" Caesar questioned,

"We're great." Finnick replied bluntly.

There was a long pause, as if both sides were waiting for someone to speak up.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed!" Caesar chuckled, "This isn't the Finnick we all know, and love!"

"Tell me about it, Caesar, he's such a grump!" Rylie laughed, jokingly pushing Finnick on the arm.

It was her quick touch, just her pushing his arm, even if it was in spite, that's what he wanted. He craved it.

Caesar chucked at the pair, "You two, always playing! But really, tell me all about District 4"

"It's lovely, the weather is gorgeous in Autumn and the fishing industry is doing incredibly. We are all very happy here in victor village" Rylie said, her smile so fake you could hear it.

"Oh I'm sure it is, but we miss you terribly in the Capitol"

The idea of being there, in that place. It actually made Finnick shiver. He'd never told a single person the things that happened to him in that place. The memories haunted him, every time he shut his eyes, and every time the room fell silent he was reminded. His own screams echoed around an empty space every time he was left alone. The Capitol never gave him fame, it gave him torture.

"We miss you too, Caesar!" Rylie chirped happily.

"I do have a question, specifically for you, Mr. Odair" Caesar grinned creepily. "There has been some... continuing speculations, about the two of you."

Finnick knew what he was going to say. He could practically sense Rylie's eye roll without looking at her.

"You two, you're older now. Have either of you began to.. settle down?"

"Well, Caesar, it's difficult to settle down as such here in 4. We are all extremely busy!" Rylie said, to which Caesar replied in a gentle nod.

"So neither of you have found love in the last year?" Caesar questioned, puzzled

"No-" Finnick began before being cut off,

"Well, I haven't. Finnick on the other hand, he's been having a great time playing around, but that's not my business"

Why did she have to say that? Was she stupid? That was so rude the Capitol could easily catch on to their act.

DESTINE, finnick odairWhere stories live. Discover now