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ೃ࿐ ୨⎯ "act one" ⎯୧


The morning light sneaking in through the curtains was Rylie's favourite way to wake up. The golden rays of the sun encouraged her to get out of bed and start the day.

Today was different. She hadn't drank much, but the weight of it stuck her to the mattress. The light in her eyes only made her head pound. Stretching, she forced herself to get out of bed. She needed water.

She wondered what had happened after she left, or even if Finnick and Nova noticed. Walking down the stairs to the kitchen, she noticed her sisters shoes by the door. She was home.

"Thank god" She whispered.

The last time Nova got drunk, Rylie was the one who had to find her sister laying in a heap on the pathway. She did not want to do that again.

Instead, her sister was in the kitchen, somehow completely recovered. Eating her cereal slowly, with a glass of ice water, Nova looked up with a smile.

The two sisters didn't speak, Rylie simply went over to the tap and began filling her glass with water. With her back turned to Nova, she heard three, more than unexpected words fall out of her mouth.

"I kissed Finnick"

Rylie almost dropped the glass back into the sink. Without hesitation, she spun around to stare at her sister. Nova looked utterly ashamed, her head down staring into her food.

"You did what?" Rylie exclaimed in pure disbelief.

Her sister didn't even respond. She just looked up at Rylie as if she was looking for disapproval.

"Nova.. how low in life have you got? Finnick Odair, seriously" She scoffed

"Look, it just happened we were drunk" Nova quickly defended herself.

"Finnick though, ew"

No matter how awful she talked of the boy, she was jealous. She didn't know why. She did hate him, really did. But seeing Nova with him, made her feel like everything was just wrong. Nova wasn't supposed to be with him. No one was supposed to be with him. She didn't necessarily want to be with him, but she didn't want him with anyone but her. It was strange she did hate him. She knew she was only being selfish.

"I don't understand why you two hate each other so much"

"Neither do I" Rylie sighed, taking a seat next to her sister, "wait, what about Conrad?"

Rylie had only just remembered Conrad. She hadn't seen him around in a while. She knew he and Nova always had a 'thing' for each other, but it never really got anywhere. Rylie liked Conrad, when she was about to go into the games, he visited her to say goodbye. He was the one person with hope she could win.

"Conrad?" Her sister put her head in her hands. "I don't know about Con, we aren't exactly official. I mean, of course, I have feelings for him"

"You've got feelings for Finnick?" Rylie interrupted, rudely questioning.

"I mean, yeah. I guess" Her sister shrugged, trying to read the expression on Rylie's face.

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