[1] The Fresh Start

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It had been almost a year since Will went missing. Everyone was almost back to normal. It was nice to have a little sister figure since Sara passed away. As I said, everything was almost back to normal. I still kept having dreams or visions of that place. I don't even know what to call them. I didn't tell anyone about them because I thought they didn't mean anything. I got my drivers license and my dad bought me a car which was great.

I honk my horn outside Dustin's house. He doesn't come so I knock on the door and his mother answers holing Mews, the cat.

"Come on in, Honey. Dustin's just collecting quarters." His mom, Claudia says.
"Yeah, thanks." I say smiling at her sitting down on the couch.
"Dusty!" Claudia shouts.
"Just a second, mom!" Dustin shouts back.
"Thank you again for giving him a ride. I really appreciate it." Claudia says.
"No problem."
Dustin comes running out.
"Dustin! Come on." I say and run out to my car with him.
"Back by 9!" Claudia shouts.
"Son of a bitch!" Dustin shouts.
"What?" I ask him.
"I've only got 4 quarters and Lucas as got 20." He complains. I put my hand in my pocket and give him 5 bucks.
"Here, pay me back." I say and he smiles at me. I start the car and drive to the arcade.
"Thanks!" He says and leaves.
"Wait! Share the quarters with the rest of the boys!" I shout and he nods and meets them at the front.

"Guys! Look, Lizzy gave us 20 quarters!" Dustin says showing them.
"Awesome!" Mike says.
"Thanks, Lizzy!" Will shouts from the entrance. I wave at them.
"Dustin! Back here at 8:45 okay?" I yell and he smiles and nods. I drive off


"Son of a bitch!" I shout kicking my car.
"Woah, woah, woah! That cost a fortune!" My dad says pushing my away from my car.
"Such a piece of shit! It won't start which means, I'm going to be suspended for being late again." I say.
"Look, kid. I would drop you off but I got to get to work." He says and gets in his car and drives off.
I go back inside and call Steve. He would be able to give me a ride.

"Yeah, Steve it's Lizzy. My piece of shit car broke down and I'm going to get suspended if—"
"Yeah, I'm on my way. I'll come pick you up."

I hang up and wait outside for him. Once he pulls up, I grab my bag and run to the car and sit down in the front.

"Oh, hey Nance." I say smiling.
"Hey, Lizzy!" She says and we drive to school. We get there fairly early, so Steve hands me two pieces of paper once he parks.
"Is this your college application?" I ask him and he nods. I read it all and i don't want to be rude but it's the worst one I've read.

"It's crap, I know." He says.
"No! Look, Nance, you read it." I say and give the papers to Nancy. She reads it and looks at him.
"It's not crap." She says.
"It's not good." He says.
"It's going to be. It just needs...." She says trailing off trying to find the right word.
"Reorganising." I say.
"Exactly. Can I mark on it?" Nancy asks Steve.
"Yeah, I guess." Steve sighs.
"So, in the first paragraph, you used the basketball game versus Northern as a metaphor for your life, which is great. But then, around here, you started taking about your grandad experiences in the war?" She says furrowing her eyebrows at him.
"How is that connected to the basketball game?" I ask.
"It connects because... you know, we both won, so it connects." Steve stammers. Nancy stares at him up and down and goes back to the paper.
"Do you think I should start from scratch?" Steve asks us both.
"No!" I yell.
"No, I mean... when's the deadline?" She asks.
"It's tomorrow for early application. Can one of you come help me tonight?" Steve asks.
"We have our dinner tonight, remember?" Nancy says.
"Oh, my god!" Steve groans.
"We already cancelled last week!" Nancy says. He seemed pissed off.
"You don't have to go. Just work on this with Lizzy." Nancy says.
"No, no, no. What's the point?" Steve says and grabs the paper and crumples it up.
"Steve." I say.
"Hey, calm down." Nancy says.
"I'm calm. I'm calm. I'm just being honest. I mean, I'll end up working for my dad anyway." Steve complains.
"That's not true." I say.
"I don't know, Liz. Is that such a bad thing? There's insurance and benefits and all that adult stuff and if I took it, I could be around for both of your senior years." Steve says.
"Steve..." Nancy says smiling at him.
"To just look after you, Nance for a little bit. Make sure you don't forget about this pretty face." Steve says.
Nancy chuckles softly.
"Nance, I'm serious." Steve says and they both kiss. I don't know what's wrong with me but I felt angry. I didn't like it. I almost felt... jealous?
"I love you." Steve says to her smiling.
"I love you, too." Nancy says. And we start hearing an engine revving. We get out of the car and check what it is. We see this nice black car from California pull up. And a little girl with ginger hair and a skateboard comes out along with, I'm assuming her brother. He had a curly blonde mullet and he was quite muscular. He was very good looking.

He looks at me and winks and Nancy elbows me smiling. I smile at her back and look back at him but he had already gone.

After first period, me, Jonathan and Nancy walk together when Tina gives out these bright orange flyers.

"Oh, can I have one more?" Nancy asks and she gives him one more. Nancy shoves it in Jonathan's hands.
"You're coming to this." Nancy says.
"Come and get sheet faced? Well I'm definitely coming." I chuckle.
"I'm not." Jonathan says.
"We can't let you sit all alone on Halloween. That's just not acceptable." Nancy says.
"Well, you can relax. Im not gonna be alone." Jonathan says.
"What? You're gonna be with your brother and his friends trick-or-treating?" I ask.
"Exactly." Jonathan says.
"All night?" Nancy asks.
"Yeah." Jonathan replies.
"No, no way. You're gonna be home by 8, listening to the 'Talking Heads' and reading 'Vonnegut' or something." Nancy says.
"Sounds like a nice night." Jonathan shrugs.
"Jonathan, just come." I say.
"Yeah, who knows, you might even meet someone." Nancy says and gets cut of by a shriek. Steve picks her up and swings her around and kisses her. She hits him lightly and laughs.
"Oh, my god! Take those stupid things off." Nancy says referring to his dumb sunglasses.
"I missed you." Steve says. Me and Jonathan look at each other feeling awkward. It's obvious he likes Nancy.
"Jealous?" He asks me.
"Shut up." I say and look back to see Steve staring at me. I look away quickly.

After school, me and El listen to music in my room when we hear a knock on the door. It's my dads special knock. I open the door and smile at him as he comes in. I sit down at the dinner table with him as he opens a can of beer.
"Hey, what'd we talk about?" My dad shouts referring to El eating eggos before dinner.
"No signal." El says.
"What?" My dad asks confused.
"No signal. It's 8-1-5. You're late." El shouts and I raise my eyebrows at him.
"Yeah, I lost track of time. I'll signal next time, all right?" My dad says.
"It's 8:15 not 8-1-5 by the way." I say and she comes in and sits down.
"8:15..." El repeats.
"Now, what did we talk about." My dad says rolling up his sleeves ready to eat dinner, "dinner first then dessert, always. That's a rule, yeah?"
"Yes." El says and we start eating when I hear a thump in my room. Steve.
"What the hell was that?" My dad asks.
"Oh, uh, it's probably my bag. I put it on top of my closet. I'll go put it back now." I say and run in my room locking the door behind me. I look around and Steve isn't there.
"Okay, come out." I whisper-shout and he crawls out from under my bed.
"Hey." He says.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
"College application?" He says.
"Oh yeah, right. Hide in my closet." I whisper and go back out.

"Yeah, it was my bag." I say and sit back down and finish dinner quickly and go back in my room.
"Steve it's me." I say. My dad and El are already asleep so I can talk normally but still be quiet.
He comes out of my closet cautiously then sits on my bed.
"So." I say awkwardly.
"So." He says.
I sit down across from him and get a pen and a notebook.
"Okay, so I'll write it for you since you write like a child, no offence." I say.
"Offence taken." He scoffs.
"Sorry. So on this you want to..." I say when I stop talking because he's walking around my room.
"I like your new place." He says.
"Come on, focus!" I say.
"I might not even go to college." He says.
I get up and walk towards him.
"Don't be silly. Of course you're going and I'm making sure of it. You're actually smart." I say.
"You still have that picture." He says referring to the picture he gave me for christmas.
"Yeah, of course. It was a really nice gift." I say.
"I should probably go, my mom and dad come back soon and yeah." He says then climbs back out of my window.
"Careful of the wire!" I shout and he jumps over it and walks away. I tidy up the pens and papers on my bed and fall asleep.

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