[2] The Party

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I wake up and sit on the couch watching tv when El comes out with a sheet with holes on ur head. My dad turns around and it frightens him making me laugh.

"Oh, Jesus." He says and serves the food on plates.
"Ghost." El says.
"Yeah, I see that." My dad says.
"Halloween." El says.
"Sure is. But right now, it's breakfast, okay? Come on, let's eat." My dad says.
"They wouldn't see me." El says.
"Who wouldn't see you?" My dad asks.
"The bad men." El says.
"What are you talking about?" My dad asks her. He puts the plates on the table and I sit down.
"Trick or treat." El says.
"El you can't risk it." I say.
"Yeah, you know the rules." My dad says.
"We don't take risks." I say.
"They're stupid and..." my dad says for El to finish the sentence.
"We're not stupid." El says sassily.
"Exactly. Now, you take that off, sit down and eat. Your foods getting cold." My dad says and she slumps down in the chair.
"Alright, look... how about I get off early tonight, and I buy us a bunch of candy, and we can sit around and get fat, and me, you and Lizzy watch a scary movie together?" My dad says.
"Oh, I can't. I'm going over Nancys to... study for a test." I lie. He would never let me go to a party, especially what happened last time.
"Yeah, move candy more me and El" My dad smiles.
El smiles at my dad and I grab my plate and wash it. I put the keys in my car and realise that it works. My dad must've fixed it.

I drive to school and go to my locker and grab my books.

I wake up in the red place. But it's different.
"I haven't seen you in a while Elizabeth. How have you been?"
"Go away. Please." I beg.
"You'll see me again." He says.

I wake up and Jonathan's shaking me.
"Hey, are you okay?!" He shouts. I start breathing heavily and feel a cold sweat run down my back.
"Yeah." I say trying to slow my breathing down.

After school, I sigh on relief that my dad isn't home yet.
"Lizzy." El says as I enter.
"Hm?" I ask.
"Where are you going?" She asks.
"To study at Nancys house. Mikes house." I say.
"Make sure he is okay." El says and I nod. I get a tight white dress and wings and put them on. I try and sneak out quietly but El is at my door.
"Jesus Christ." I shout.
"Why are you dressed like that?" She asks.
"Because... Nancys dressed like that too. It's for... Mikes dungeons and dragons campaign." I lie.
"Oh." She says.
I hug her goodbye and drive to Tina's and see Steve and Nancy going in.
"Steve! Nance!" I shout and they wait for me as I run to them.
"You look incredible." Nancy says.
"Ready to be stupid teenagers for today?" Steve asks and I nod.
We go in and I look for Jonathan.
"He didn't come, did he?" Nancy asks and I shake my head disappointed.
"It's okay, you can hang out with us." Nancy smiles holding my hands and dancing. I sigh and dance with her.

After a few minutes I go over to the punch and see a guy drinking it near by.
"What's in this?" I ask him.
"Pure fuel, PURE FUEL!" He screams and I get a cup and put some in. I drink it all and get another cup when someone pulls it away from me.
"Woah, slow down." Steve says.
"What happened to being stupid teenagers?" I ask.
"I know, but don't you think you should slow down a bit?" He asks. His eyes soften and it looks like he cares. But I was a bit drunk.
"Mind your own business, Harrington." I say.
"Yeah, beat it Harrington." Someone says. I look over and see that new kid.
"Oh hi!" I say.
"I'm Billy Hargrove. And you are?" He asks smiling at me.
"Lizzy Hopper." I smile.
"Lizzy. I like it. Want to dance?" He asks and I nod. I dance with him for 20 minutes and grab more drinks when I see Steve storm out of the bathroom looking pissed off.
"Steve?" I shout and chase after him.
"Steve!" I shout as he leaves the house and goes into his car. He ignores me and starts the engine when I trip over something and fall over. He gets out and helps me up.
"Are you okay?" He asks me and I nod.
"Are you?" I ask.
"I'm sooooo happy Lizzy Wizzy." He says slurring his words.
"You're such an idiot!" I say. He's drunk and about to drive home? I help him over to my car and put him in the back. I adjust my mirror so it's looking at him and drive to his house. I knock on the door and there's no answer. His parent must not be home yet. I get his house keys out of his pocket and go inside. I bring him up to his bedroom and throw him on the bed. I collapse on his bed out of exhaustion when he gets up and looks at me.
"Lizzy. You're so pretty." He says.
"Shut up, Steve." I say and take my heels off.
"You're so beautiful." He says.
"Steve stop." I say and he comes close to me and kisses me. I push him off.
"Steve, stop it. You're drunk." I say.
"Please." He says.
"No, you're clearly drunk and not thinking straight. You're with Nancy." I say.
"No I'm not." He says.
"What are you talking about?" I ask him.
"She said that I'm bullshit, you're bullshit and that our relationship is bullshit." He says and looks upset.
"I'm so sorry. But she probably didn't mean it, right?" I say.
"Drunk words are sober thoughts." He says.
"True. But still, you know how upset she is about Barbara." I say and he nods. I pick up my heels and about to go when he holds my wrist.
"Wait." He says.
"Steve, I need to go." I say.
"Please stay. Tell Hop that you're at Nancys and going to sleep over." He says. I sigh.
"I can't." I say.
"Please." He says. I get his phone and ring my dad.

"Dad it's me. I'm sleeping over Nancys tonight, okay?"
"Yeah, that's fine. I'll just ring Mrs. Wheeler to make sure it's okay."
"No! Don't do that. She's sleeping and so is Mr. wheeler so you don't want to wake them up, right?"
"Fine. Get some sleep, you have school tomorrow."
"Okay, bye, I love you."
"Love you too kid."

I hang up and turn to Steve.
"You staying?" He asks and I nod. I get some spare clothes from his closet and change in the bathroom. I come out and lay down.
"So are you and Billy a thing now?" He asks.
"Gross. No. Not my type." I say.
"What is your type then?" He smiles.
"Someone who's nice and would risk their life for me. I feel like Billy would choose going to the gym over me so." I say and he laughs. We both fall asleep.

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