[8] The Battle Of The Mind Flayer

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She starts screaming and sobbing in pain and grabs my arms and squeezes them to help with the pain.
"What is that?" Erica asks referring to something moving around in her leg.
"There's something in there." Mike says.
"Jesus Christ." Dustin says.
"Well don't just sit there, do something!" I scream at Jonathan and he nods and gets up and runs somewhere.
"Stay awake, okay?" I say to her.
"Y'know. It's not actually that bad. The goalie on my soccer team, Beth Wildfire, this other girl slid into her leg, and the home came out of her knee, six inches of something, it was insane." Robin says trying to help.
"Robin?" Steve says.
"Yeah?" She asks.
"Not helping." Steve says.
Jonathan comes back and puts a wooden spoon in her mouth.
"El? This is gonna hurt like hell, okay?" Jonathan says.
"Okay." El says sobbing.
"I need you to stay real still." Jonathan says and cuts open her leg.
She screams in pain and he puts his hand in her leg trying to get it out.
"Stop it!" El scream and he stops.
"I can do it." El says and she uses her powers to get it out. She smashed the window because of her screaming. She gets the creature out and throws it. She collapses back into me and starts panting. We look up and see Joyce, my dad and this random guy.

"The mind Flayer, it built this monster in Hawkins, to stop el, to kill her and pave a way into our world." Mike explains.
"And it almost did. That was just one tiny piece of it." Nancy says.
"How big is this thing?" My dad asks.
"It's big. 30 feet at least." Jonathan says.
"Jesus." I say.
"It sorta destroyed your cabin." Lucas says.
My dad huffs.
"Okay, so, just to be clear, this... this big fleshy spider thing that hurt El, it's some kind of gigantic weapon?" Steve asks.
"Yes." Nancy says.
"But instead of, like, screws and metal, it's melted people?" I ask.
"Yes, exactly." Nancy says.
"Alright." I sigh.
"Are we sure this thing is still out there, still alive?" Joyce asks.
"El beat the shit out of it, but, yeah, it's still alive." Max says.
"But if we close the again again—" Will says.
"We cut the brain off from the body." Max says.
"And kill it." Lucas says.
"Yoo-hoo!" Murray shouts waving papers around and comes over to us. I roll my eyes and go into hot dog on a stick and make one. I watch the oil bubble in.

I'm in a black void. I look around confused when I see someone. I walk slowly to get a closer look to see who it is... Billy? He looks awful and he's just sitting there.

"Billy? Can you see or hear me?" I ask. I hold both his hands. He looks... broken. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes and grabs me. I scream and desperately try and get out of his grip but I can't. He lets go and I fall backwards and into this other place. It's a beach, lots of seagulls and water. I see a little boy and his mother talking. I go over to see what they're talking about. The woman is really pretty.

"You did it!" The woman shouts. I don't think she can see me.
"Did you see that?" The boy asks excited.
"Yeah, I saw that!" The woman shouts and kisses the boy on the forehead.
"That was at least seven feet!" The little boy shouts.
"I don't know what it was, but it almost gave me a heart attack!" The woman says smiling.
"Ten more minutes?" The little boy asks the woman.
She hesitates then agrees.
"But any longer than that, dads gonna be mad, okay?" She says.
"Okay!" The boy says.
"Billy!" The woman shouts.

Billy Hargrove? This is a memory. It must be from when they lived in California.

"Watch out for the rip currents!" The woman shouts.
I see this familiar red lightening and rumbling coming from it. I walk towards it and see this white stuff coming down. I see Billy as a young child again and he's with his father. His father abuses him.

I wake up from the thing I wipe my nose and see that it's bleeding. My heart drops. This is what happens to El when she does it. I run out and see my dad grabbing a massive gun.
"Where are you going?" I ask him.
"To sort this out. To close the gate." He says.
"Can I come?" I ask.
"It's too dangerous." He says.
"But I was literally down there for almost 2 days!" I yell.
"Look, kid. Once this is finally over, me, you and El will get another really nice house, I'll buy lots of candy and get fat, okay?" He says and I smile and hug him.
"That sounds like a plan." I say.
"I'm proud of you kid, I know I don't say it a lot but I'm so proud of you." He says.
"I love you." I say to him.
"Love you too kid." He says.

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