capitolo due: piccolo mondo

333 20 26

🌙 ~ end of the school day

Finally finished with his classes for the day, Jisung was all burnt out. Now came the long-awaited moment, going to his apartment to pick up his stuff to go to the dorm. He should've moved in before his classes started but Jisung slept in and more than half of the things he needed to do that morning was pushed aside and forgotten about like a dusty sock behind the washing machine. The hope that he could move in before his roommate practically vanished. Now he's going to have to take the shitty window side of the room.

After a long skateboard ride to his ex-home and back (the ride back to the campus was even longer as he couldn't ride his skateboard, he had to carry his suitcase), he was exhausted and wanted to take a nap.

Jisung made his way across the campus to the dorm section, cringing when he saw the building come into view. 

He jogged to the entrance, going through the door and to the elevator, waving with a forced smile at someone walking by who did the same. Jisung tapped his foot on the elevator floor, starting to get anxious. He just hoped that his roommate would at least be nice. Or that he would still have a chance to snag the side of the room that wasn't by the window. Oh, who am I kidding? Everybody fucking hates the window side. The ding from the elevator stopping at his floor woke him up from his daydreaming. Dragging his suitcase along with him, he arrived at his dorm room. Room 3-25. He slid the keys he obtained earlier on in the week through the keyhole, softly opening the door as to not startle anyone if they were in there. But no one was there. The sheets on the bed parallel to the other one were a little messy, and there was a black suitcase opened up by the large dresser further in the room, indicating someone did in fact move in already. And they did in fact not choose the window side. Fuck.

Jisung leaped onto the bed. Pulling off his beanie and setting it aside, he ruffled his hair, not bothering to unpack yet. He was so tired. Oh, wait. What if my new roommate comes in and sees me like this?

He groaned loudly, sitting back up again. He wished that he wasn't so dependent on human interaction so that he could have a single dorm and not have to worry about people seeing his feathers. But even if he wasn't, the uni was so packed with students this year that they could not assign any single dorms. Jisung tried getting a cat once at his old house to cure some of his loneliness. It didn't work out, however, because he was woken up countless times in the middle of the night, or actually, at any point in the day, by the little dude gnawing on his feathers. He got so annoyed by how constant it was that he had to bring it back to the shelter and lie about being allergic. I guess I'll just go get showered and ready for bed, Jisung thought.

So that he did. But when he got into the shower, he remembered what he thought about earlier. About being able to hide his wings. So, setting his 3-in-one shampoo bottle aside, he closed his eyes and thought hard. All he said to do was concentrate hard. Easy, right? Jisung let out a sigh, turning around to let the hot water run down his neck, immediately putting him at ease. Okay. Concentrate.

And just then, he felt a really weird sensation on his back, and he all of a sudden felt.. lighter?

Okay, these were good signs!

Jisung turned around and opened his eyes, scanning his reflection in the fogged mirror across the shower. He couldn't see his figure that well but he could definitely see the loss of a big red blur behind him. Gasping, he reached behind his back, feeling around the space, and to his excitement, he felt nothing.

It was really that easy the whole time?

Jisung guesses that it's failed to work every other time he's tried because his mind was too busy. Who would've guessed that all he needed was a calm, hot shower to settle his thoughts? Bouncing in happiness, he turned back around and continued washing his body, humming the first song that came to mind.

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