capitolo quattro: cupcakes coniglietti e involtini alla cannella

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It's been about a week since college started, and Jisung still needed to meet up with Changbin as well as figure out what his sneaky little roommate was most likely plotting behind his back.

Minho didn't talk much. But when he did, Jisung wanted nothing more than to seal his mouth shut with an extra sticky piece of duct tape. He'd mainly comment on stupid things Jisung does or just say anything in general just to tick him off. Jisung couldn't even tell whether or not Minho is joking by the way he always says things so nonchalantly. And quite frankly, Jisung didn't care that much about finding out the reason why his roommate is a salty bitch. He had better things to worry about, like how he's supposed to hide his feathers all year when he lives with someone, and finding out how the fuck people grow vegetables when vegetables don't have seeds. Mind-boggling.

Jisung walked into his dorm room, completely exhausted. He really didn't do much today, but that didn't matter. Whenever he had to do something for an extended period of time, it always tired him out. His roommate, who was sitting on his bed watching something on his laptop that was at the foot of the bed, watched Jisung in concern as he threw his stuff on the floor and face-planted on the bed, not moving from that position for 5 straight minutes.

"Uh.. are you alive?" Minho called out to the boy.

"Mm.." Jisung hummed lazily in response. Minho shrugged and turned back to his TV show. After 10 more minutes, Jisung groaned, getting up from his spot on the floor and walking over to his (finally packed) closet and pulling out a t-shirt and sweatpants. He walked to the bathroom and locked himself in it. After around 3 minutes, he came back out and face-planted on the bed again.

"Rough day, huh?" Minho snickered.

"You could say that.." Jisung mumbled out, voice muffled from the soft fabric beneath him. After several minutes, Jisung rolled over, placing his phone on his pillow and playing a video while resting his chin on his hands and kicking his feet a little bit. Minho just watched in amusement at how the boy went from 0-100 within mere seconds.

As Jisung was watching his video, he remembered he had a shift at 4pm at Sugarbun bakery. It was his first day back from a couple week break, his boss understanding that he needed time to move in and get settled first before coming back to work. He glanced at the time, thinking he had probably 20 minutes till he had to get ready. But boy was he wrong, it was 4:35pm right now.

Jisung's eyes practically bulged out of his head from how wide they got. He leaped out of bed (Minho getting a jumpscare from it, holding his hand on his heart), and grabbed some more formal clothes from his closet with his bag that contained his other job's work clothes while chanting a chorus of repeated "shit!'s" on his way to the bathroom to change. Minho watched as the boy came out of the bathroom and was out of the dorm room in a flash. This kid is all over the place..


The glass door to the bakery busted open, revealing a panting and sweaty Jisung with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath. His skateboard got dropped to the floor. All of the workers at the bakery were unamused and not surprised. Even the regular customer that was sitting at the booth in the corner of the bakery, Marie-Ellen, shook her head at this.

"Fancy seeing you here, Jisung." A voice called out. Jisung raised his head and saw none other than Chan, arms crossed in front of his chest. Jisung stood back up properly.

"Oh, you too! When did you get here?" Jisung played along and gasped, pointing his finger at Chan and covering his mouth in fake enthusiasm.

"Quit the shit and get to work. You're lucky that our manager isn't here today, or you'd probably get fired." Chan shook his head.

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