Chapter Ten

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Jj's PoV

It'd been a day or two since this whole thing had started. I had met up with a few friends and we'd formed a group. Several of us had already gone though. Ethan and Simon had walked off a while ago and never returned. We hadn't heard the canon, but it seemed broken. When Callum and Cal died, the canon didn't go off. Now it was Vik, Tobi, Josh, Harry, and me. We had gone from nine, down to five. It was all so quick. We didn't have any great weapons. Harry and Vik didn't even have weapons. We were low on food and we hadn't found any water. We decided to find a group of one or two people, and take them down. Then we would have supplies.

"Please, just let him go. Don't hurt him," I heard. Josh raised a hand and all of us stopped. Josh had become our leader over the small amount of time. Everyone stayed silent as we waited. Josh went forward and peeked through the bushes. He instantly threw them back and walked back over to us.

"There are a lot of people. We can't take them," I nodded. We stayed there, moving around a little bit. According to Josh, two people were dead out there. A few of them had guns, but all of them were armed. Then, almost everyone was gone. Three people came running at us and we took off. They never found us, but it took us a while to make our way back. And when we finally found it, we were on a different side of it. We walked to the clearing and saw the dead ones. No one else was around. One guy was shot in the head, and the other, the stomach. I doubted they were coming back. Tobi still decided to check though. He went over to one of them, and put his head on his chest.

"Holy shit. Josh, he's breathing," Tobi said, getting to his knees. He put his hands on his chest and pushed. He was performing CPR. His heart was probably stopping. We all went over to Tobi. The man wasn't dead. He still had color to his face. His eyes were closed, but his chest slowly lifted. Josh reached down and pulled the mans shirt up.

"Do you think we can save him?" Harry asked. Josh looked at the wound and nodded. It wasn't a very determined nod though. It was more of something to put faith in the others. Tobi pulled his sweater off and set it next to them. Josh shoed Harry, Tobi, and Vik away. I stayed next to him while he tried to help the guy.

"You don't really think you can save, do you?" I asked quietly.

"I'm not a doctor. I don't think I can fix him. I don't think he is fixable. I don't want to let them down though. We've already lost so much. I need to keep them happy. We are older than them, Jj. We're going to help them," Josh said. I nodded.

"You can try. I don't expect you to save him. It seems impossible for someone like us. Just don't waste what little we have on him," I said. I didn't want to leave someone behind like this, but we had to. There was no way we could just save him. Not with the little we have.

"Jj, do you have a lighter or something?" I kneeled down and searched through my backpack. I finally pulled a lighter out of my bag.

"If you think you can do this, than go ahead," I said, handing it over to him. He flipped it on and held it to the guy's stomach. With a little help from me, Josh got the wound closed. He put his hand around his wrist, searching for a pulse.

"Tobi. Oh fuck," Josh yelled, whispering the last part. Tobi ran over. "Give him CPR. He stopped breathing again." Tobi nodded and did as asked. The man started breathing after several attempts.

"We should probably get going," I said. Josh shook his head.

"We're staying here for a while. If he doesn't wake up, we'll leave." I sighed but nodded. We all started patrolling the area. Tobi stayed by the man to check his heart. Vik now held his knife. Harry was still defenseless, so I gave him my knife. I figured I could kick someone if I had to. We heard a scream in the distance.

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