Chapter Seven

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Markiplier's PoV

I read the name over and over as if it were an important document that I had to memorize. If she was here, what about Matthias? They were married. I hadn't seen many girls though. I hadn't seen many people actually. I wondered how many people were trapped in this place. Or how many were left. The canons hadn't gone off for a while. I wondered if they had stopped working or if people had calmed down. The fact that there were already 3 deaths was enough. The people who had been killed wouldn't even get a proper burial. They would all just stay up here. But what would happen to others? What about food and water? Would we have to fend for our selves? The thing is, I knew I wouldn't survive. There was no way that I could. I wasn't going to kill someone. I would let them kill me before I did something like that. I took the glasses off and threw them into my bag. I quickly put my bag over my shoulder and went off. I still gripped the small knife in my hand. If someone attacked, maybe I could just stab them. I'd still feel guilty, but not as much. If I saw an animal, I could kill it. Then I'd have food.

"Grab him," I heard a voice off in the distance. I looked around for a place to hide and spotted a tree. I ran for it and jumped onto it. I climbed it as quickly as I could and looked around from the top. I spotted a few people, each of them armed. A man lay on the ground. He looked unconscious or maybe even dead. Blood was around him but not a large amount. Something was sticking out of his back and head. I couldn't tell who the people were from where I was. I wanted to shout and ask for help, but I couldn't. If someone saw me, they could kill me. They didn't seem to be showing any emotions for this man. I excepted they were the ones who took him down in the first place. These people could kill me. The problem was that I needed to know who they were. Some of them looked a little familiar but I couldn't make them out. Two people picked up the man and that's when I noticed the hat. They moved him as I climbed down for the tree. They pulled out a matchbox and removed one.

"Wait. Stop," I yelled as I ran towards them. They turned towards me and raised their weapons. I gripped my knife with all my might and kept running. "Please, don't hurt him." The people came into view. I could count five people. One girl and four guys. One of the people shot and an arrow whizzed past my head.

"Make your shots count," someone else yelled. I kept moving. I didn't know why. These people wanted to kill me. They would make sure I was dead. I was going to die trying to save a friend. There was no way I could reason with them. Maybe the girl would be nice. I felt like I'd seen these people before. I felt like I knew them. Maybe I wasn't friends with them in real life, but I had some sort of a connection. I had defiantly seen some of these people.

"Wait. Toby?" I asked, slowing down. He eyed me, probably trying to see who I was.

"Mark?" He asked, very surprised. I nodded and stopped walking. I didn't know what I was supposed to do. At least Toby recognized me. But what about the others? I didn't really recognize any of them. I had done a few videos with Toby. Once we had played happy wheels while blindfolded. I felt that Toby wasn't the leader. I wanted desperately to just run forwards. I had been alone all night and would love to be with some people. I trusted Toby at least. The other people I didn't recognize and didn't trust. Toby lowered his weapon.

"Toby, follow orders and shoot him," the girl said.

"No. He's my friend. And he's trustworthy. Stop shooting," Toby yelled at them. When the girl didn't lower the bow, Toby grabbed it out of her hands.

"You touch Liza one more time, you're dead. You understand?" One of the guys said, pulling out a gun.

"Please, stop. I can leave if you want. I just need a group," I pause. "You almost killed a man. Two actually, counting me. We're all people here. What the fuck is wrong with you guys?" No one said anything. The guy lowered the gun and put it back in his pocket. Toby handed the bow back to Liza.

"You can be with us for now. You do something I don't want you to do, you die. Pick up your friend if you really want him. He's as good as dead though," the leader said. "My name's Shane. This is Liza, my girlfriend. Joey, Sean, and Toby. You're names Mark?" I nodded.

"Can you guys give me a minute?" I asked, looking down at Sean. I needed to see if I could help. They all looked to Shane who nodded. I crouched down and looked through my backpack. I pulled out a roll of cloth and some tape. I didn't have anything to disinfect the wounds though. I closed my eyes and rested my hands on the arrow in his head. I counted to three and pulled the arrow out. I felt like retching up my guts. The arrow was covered in blood and flesh. The side of Sean's head was torn and bloody just like the arrow. I could see his skull which was chipped and dented from the arrow tip. I grabbed the roll and wrapped some around his head. I taped the end and looked at the knife. I grabbed his shirt and pulled it up. The knife was deep in his skin; all the way through. I wrapped one hand around it and pulled up. With effort, the knife pulled free, splattering some blood on me. I grabbed the last of the cloth and wrapped it around his shoulder. The cloth was gone, leaving me with nothing but tape to fix the wound. I put everything back in my bag and pulled Sean's shirt back on. I shakily stood up and wiped my face.

"You think that's going to help him any?" Toby asked. I shrugged, not knowing the answer. Maybe it would help him. Otherwise, Jack was dead.

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