Chapter Seventeen

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Vanoss's PoV

I run away from everyone else like the coward I am. I hear footsteps behind me. I know there is someone back there. I can't bring myself to look. I was hoping it was only one person. But then the others would be stalked. Was I really wishing death upon my friends? It's just the fear getting to me.

I try to speed up, but my legs are barley supporting me. My body aches from the knives that were still embedded in my arm and leg. I couldn't bring myself to pull them out. That'd just cause more blood lose anyway. Being slammed to the ground hadn't helped my back feel good either. I knew I couldn't be thinking these things. I had more to worry about than myself.

My head turns itself involuntary. I can see who's after me. A slim and short girl with dark hair runs behind me. Her hair is pulled up in a ponytail. One eye is hidden under her bangs, but it doesn't look like the natural fall of her hair. I can't outrun her. My legs won't support me for much longer. I have to fight her. Or reason with her. It seems like the latter option won't work. I stop running and flip around.

"Stop. I don't want to fight you," I yell at her. She slows down and stops completely. She stares at me. I can feel my legs shaking and burning. I just want to collapse. I manage to stay standing as she takes a few steps forward.

"You shot our people," she says. God damn it, Tyler, I think. He just had to fire off the rounds.

"That wasn't me. That was someone else. He ran off." She raises her eyebrow and gives me a sarcastic nod.

"You shot down two people. And expect us to just leave you alone?" I didn't know what I was supposed to do. She was right. Tyler had killed two people and gotten us all in trouble. I couldn't blame everything on him, though. We are his group and his friends.

"I don't want to hurt you, but you aren't giving me much of a choice," I say, trying to sound threatening. I know my voice is shaking, making me sound scared. Honestly, I was scared. She was intimidating. I still didn't have a weapon and I was in so much pain. Maybe she could just finish me off. I see a smile grow on her face as she looks me over.

"Then bring it on." And with that, she runs forward. She obviously had more energy than me. She didn't seem to be in much pain, which was unfair. But no one ever said that life was fair. She stopped right in front of me and extended her foot. I didn't have time to move as she kicked me down. I fell to the ground and she pounced on me.

"Gonna beat me?" Her finger traced the outline of the knife in my hand. She ran her hand down the blade. I screamed out in pain as she pulled on the blade, dragging it deeper into my hand. I bring my other hand and try to hit her. She catches my arm and digs her nails into my wrist. I struggle underneath her as my body shudders with pain. She pushes my hand above my head and wraps her fingers around the handle of the knife in my leg.

"Please...don't," I whimper out. Her smile returns as she turns the knife. She drops my hand and covers my mouth. My screams become muffled. She turns it more and more, opening the wound. I bring my cut hand up and hit her. She falls to the side, allowing me to stand up. I roll over so I'm hovering over her. I grab the knife in my hand and pull up. It rips out of my hand and blood starts pouring out. Before I can think about it, the knife is embedded in her skull.

I stand up on my shaky legs. I couldn't have done that. I had to. It was self defense. I pulled my shirt off and wrap it around my hand. It helps with the bleeding slightly, but it still hurts like hell. I try to ignore it as I search for the others. My head pounds with pain and I collapse to the ground. Sleep sounds great right now. My world goes dark around me and I fall face first into the dirt.

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