Chapter Sixteen

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Sky's PoV

The new guy, Adam, decided to take us somewhere. He just took off running and expected us to follow him. I mean, we did follow him, but only because we had to. He claimed that he knew where they were. And I think we all wanted our friends back.

"Sky?" Ty called. We had decided to call me Sky so we didn't get confused. "Are we seriously following him?"

"It's our best shot. Don't you want our friends back?" I asked quietly. He sighs but nods. We all continue to run. My legs and lungs are burning by the time he stops. His hand shoots up and he points at some trees.

"They're over there. But we need to be careful while we approach." He starts walking towards the trees. We all follow him, no one daring to talk. He slowly moves the branches and sneaks his way through, making little to no sound. A scream breaks the silence. We all rush after him.

Trying to run away from Adam, are four people. One lays on the ground, blood rushing from his throat. He made gurgling noises as he chokes on his blood. Five more people are leaning against the trees. One of them is either asleep or unconscious.

"Alesa," I scream. She turns to face me and runs towards me. I grab her in my arms and spin her around. Thank god she's alright. Jerome and Mitch turn to us and run over. Then, just one person stands over there. Seto; his hands are bound behind his back and a gag is placed in his mouth. He's the only one that's bound.

Ty runs out in front of us all, and goes over to Seto. He stands in front of him, blocking us off. I hear another scream, but this one isn't out of pain. It's out of fear. I glance over at Adam and see him going to the other people. All of them, but one, have stood up by now. Adam lurches forward and the knife goes into the gut of one of them. He doubles over in pain and falls. The knife slips from Adam's hand and stays in his gut. More people scream.

"Adam, these people didn't do it. We got them back. Now stop," I scream at him.

"Adam, it's Steven. Stop," another person screams at him. Adam's attention snaps to him. The guy backs up as much as possible. "Please...stop." Adam steps forward, getting closer and closer to the guy. Then he's on the ground. Ian lays under him, an arm wrapped around his throat. Adam struggles to get free, but Ian has him in a tight grip.

"You're supposed to be dead. I fucking shot you," Ian yelled, pointing at the guy who called himself Steven. The guy looked scared as he tried to back up more. Steven turned and ran away from us. Now two people stood there.

"Just take your people. Leave us be," one of the people said. That was enough convincing for me.

"Come on Ty. We're leaving," I say. He looks at me sadly.

"I'm not leaving. I'm staying with Seto."

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