Summer Holidays || 1

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Jessica pov

Another day with this school sometimes i think why i am even here i can just go and do some job or something but whatever i am here so be motivated Jessia. "Hello Bella" Bella is my classmate friend. I don't really have much friends.

"Hi, what's up Jessica" she said

"It's same as always still depressed with my grades" i answered to her seriously nothing is changing my life my grades i hate it so much sometimes but when i go home watch some tv serials with hot main lead chemistry. I forget about all problems and it also make feel so single. Life does have up and downs so i like my life.

"Good morning" my teacher said coming into class. Yeah what a good morning i thought. As with my half dead mind i finally completed my last school day and tomorrow is holidays. I am so happy i can sleep a long day in holidays id my parents let me but whatever i love holidays. I like to stay at home.

"So what are you doing this holidays?" Bella questioned me like she don't know what i always do

"You know staying at home there is nothing for me to do. My parents don't even let me hang out with anyone and i can only go out with them so staying at home is best option" I don't know why my parents are like that like i am 18 give me some freedom and that's what i want freedom to do anything i want but its not happening soon.

"you're life sucks. You're always home like depressed person"

"I know but i like my life it sucks but i am not alone whose life sucks even people with great parents say there life sucks. After all i am gonna watch tv what i want more " I smiled and she start laughing. She knows i have big addiction over tv and wattapad.

"you smile always even in you're worse mood you find a reason to laugh if i were you I can't do that"

"Trust me i also can't the thing is that i like to come school and talk with you and with another classmate. We laugh and chill here and that makes me forget about my problems for a while!""

"So everything packed for you're trip to Turkey?" She has been so excited to go there like every time we talk she says i will do this or that in Turkey. Sometimes i also want to go but i am not good neither bad with my family. Going with them to somewhere is worse they compline a lot and don't let you enjoy yourself.

"Yep everything is done!" She said excitedly

"Enjoy you're vacations there. I have to go know i am getting late for the bus" "thanks! You to hope you're parents agree to let you go to Italy" she said waving her hand and saying bye. I waved back then went to bus station. I have been convincing my parents to let me go to Italy for months now but then i stopped because i know the answer so i why asking again and again. The bus arrived and i put EarPods in my ears and hear some weekend songs. His songs are relaxing and its a vibe i like. In music i don't have a particular taste i like everything if it sounds good to my ear. I arrived home and toke a bath and did my usual household stuff.

My parents got back from there work and went to freshen up. We ate dinner together my sister and little brother being oldest sucks sometimes. My parents have some conversation which i wasn't interested in. My father called my name and i looked to him

"I have booked you're tickets to Italy but you're sister nis also going with you" i was Shocked thought i must mishear something. This can't be true like he never let me go somewhere. It sounds so good to be true. Then i looked around there faces looking at me

"For real?" I am still processing this
"Yeah the flight is tomorrow so pack you're bags " i am speechless at the moment

"Thank you so much Dad" i said being excited for tomorrow. I am going to Italy
finally they agreed.

After finishing dinner and packing bags my sister went to bed and i texted Bella that i going to Italy like being hella exited just the thought of going to Italy. She replied back with shocked emoji

Bella: "you're parents agreed! Wow i am so happy for you! This is hella shocking they being agree but whatever i am so happy for you"

Jessica: "yeah i was also speechless lol i thought i was dreaming or somethings but they agreed!"

Bella: " so what you gonna do there any plans yet"

Jessica: "no we will think about it when we will go there "

Bella: " we?"

Jessica: "yeah my sister is also going"

Bella: "Okay. Have fun there i will text you later have to go now"

Jessica: "okay! Good night"

Bella: "good night babes !" i put my phone on my nightstand and draft into
sleep thinking about tomorrow.

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