Prey for your lifes || 34

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I went to other side of the bed to get the Lady out before this place blow up. Covering her with the blanket I picked her up on my shoulder and headed out from the door, going from baloney is out of option with her.

As I lead my way out of the room, the guards rushing to upstairs, I need to be quick, don't have much time left.

I come up in there view they started opening firing on me. Only voice can me here the gunshots in whole empty mansion.

"Lead the way" I said to her.

"There are all at the second floor just 10m away from you, the stairs are empty you just have 10 sec to get down before they notices you." Enough time for me

I quickly come out of the room which was behind Daniel and the upstairs from here is just two steps away which leads I don't where. The main stairs are where all the guards are standing which leads direct to the hallway.

with a blink of eyes, I was near the staircase without getting noticed and made my way downstairs, every step I take in the dark room which I think is a basement, my heart thuds in my chest if I calculated right, I got just 30 sec lefts. I need to find the way out.

"Can you see anything here" I asked searching for the light.

"You need to walk straight, and the door leads out" so there are cameras here then there must also be light.

"Be fast, the Russian will be here in any sec and the bombs are ticking" as I finally made my way to the door, trying to open it, its locked and I can't see a fucking thing. I put her down from my shoulder and started to hit it with my shoulders, the I heard the first blast. with one more hit it opened and another blast.

"Get out of here" I said.

"No, we are not leaving."

"I said get out of here" I ordered the command and anger visible in my voice.

I carried the girl on my shoulder and made my way out. The Russians are already here. I can see their cars in front doors as mansion burns down in ashes and they can't do anything. I smirk came over ma face, seeing the bustard face burning with anger. This is just a glimpse they things I have planned for him is far more satisfying than this, but it does give a peace. All the snakes are died.

Now I will coming for him.

I made my way to the back of the mansion door. The whole thing is burning I don't think they will be coming inside to even check. So, its pretty easy to get out of here but not from them I need a vehicle, Why the fuck I didn't bring anything. Stupid, number of mistakes I made today. I groaned in frustration.

The moment I will step out of here it will directly lead me to them, but there will also be people outside and I think until now they must have informed the police and freibergite, if I stay here in back or go out either way, they are going to find me.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door and made my way out. This is chores the siren of police cars and freibergite, people running in panicking, I don't know I don't have time for this shit, I need to get out of here before they blow my head.

It didn't take them much time to notice me, but they are a bit far. So, my plan is stole the car that is in front me and get out of here, which will also lead them catching me, but I like the play.

"Get out" holding a gun on the drivers head I asked him more like ordered. Within seconds he came out, I put the girl in the backseat and went to the driver seat. The moment I sat in car the gunshots stared firing as the Russians started approaching.

I cracked my neck releasing my muscles, as look forward. Even through the car is not my liking but it will do just fine. Let get stated for a chase. A smirk came over my face as I press the accelerator getting ready.

The moment I put my feet away from my brake and letting the accelerator go, the excitement filled in my veins. It's has been so long since drove a car like it has to driven. So fast like cutting through the wind, with a blink of sec I disappears and nobody was and will never able to catch me.

The speed, voice, race, crashing through the wind I love everything about it. The only think I adored before I met her.

With the hit on gas, ignoring all the motherfuker on my away I drive, I fear they moved out of my way. Accelerating the car directly in 4th gare, it's fast I love it , I drafted in front of the old bustard winking at him and made my way out there.

The moment he saw my face I can tell he is more pissed. I just smirk.

I have two problems one is in my back another is the roads, I don't know shit about the way here. My chaser are least buy of my concern, I can bet they are going to end up died on in accident.

I made a way to highway hitting the gas mor driving 200 km/hrs . Crossing from line to line in between the cars smoothly. As the motherfucker can't even keep the chase up that long. Only few are left behind but not for long.




It didnt take us a long to get out of russian and i am heading to her house from the airpot. I cant wait Im dying to see, see if she is ok. This feeling in chest is aching like something bad happened to her. After that msg she dint called nor msged. I even checked the cameras she is no where to be found. The house seems pretty normal like nothing happened.

Before I believed it my stupid self did but not this time.

It didn't take me much time to reach her home. If that bustard of her father saw me there will be problem, if he still works for them. They will find out about her. The women who I started craving so much that it scares me.

I don't really care in this moment only thing I want it her, fuck everthing she is coming with me. I swear if he touched her I will give him most painful death.

With a bang on the door, it flew opened as I search for her. No, sight, the hall, kitchen everthing empty, not a single sound. As I stared checking all the rooms, my eyes feel on room which is not visible on camera, with a quick moment I made my way towards it.

The door wasn't locked as I opened it, my eyes fell on her, my hear stopped. It felt like its been ripped out off me. My amor sitting down on the floor chains around here. Fucking chains, my blood boiled, he is fucking died. I will make sure all of them will be died.

I have a urge to kill the bitch of a mother siting in front of her, holding a only source of light in her hands as she moved the light towards me. Her eyes fell on me, a sudden relief on her face as a single tear rolled down her cheek. I didn't waste a moment and ran to her, pulling her in my embrace.

A-sure her noting will, I will die before anything happens to her. She break down in tears as I pulled her more closer. It felt like my heart shattered in million pieces the moment I saw her like this. I feel so weak looking at her, she has become so pale, the bruises around her body, blood on her clothes. I will make them pay for everthing

Every single scratch on her, they will pay.

When I hear soft snores, I picked her up and moved my way out of the room. Before I excite from the house I turned around to look at her mother. Fear visible on her face. Good she should fear me.

"Prey for you're lifes" I threatened and finally headed out

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