closeness|| 19

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Jessica Pov

"What are you doing here?"

"Come to pick you up" I am amused that he is here for me, but I am not who will go and just obey him without knowing what he was doing for past 2 weeks I know it's not my place it asks but he also don't have right to just Oder me around.

"And why should I go with you?" It sounds rude but I didn't ask in that way just in sweet way.

"It's you're wish to come with me Mia Amata" he paused for moment and step closer to me, he was so close to me this close that within the moment or if someone bumped into me, my lips will straight land on his. Unfortunately, it will not happen because we are not in some kind of movie. Gosh my heart is beating so fast I am shamelessly looking at his lips then his lips moved, and he says "You didn't me that last time so why not just obey what I say" he is right there, I-myself dont know why I even just going with him wherever he takes me.

I was so focused on his so called soft looking light pink lips that I didn't concentrate on what he was saying. After a moment of silence, I remembered what I am doing God I am staring at his lips and at him when he this close and to add more I didn't even hear what he said. My mind is too much occupied with the thoughts of his lips and the urge to kiss him that my brain is not progressing.

"Huh?" I know it sounds dumb that the person is this close to you but you didn't understand what he said but trust when you will be this close to someone who ignite you're body on fire and makes your heart beat so fast like you just run a marathon you forget everything around you and his beauty is making it too hard for me to focus.

"What are you thinking in pretty little mind of yours?" He smirked, oh my gosh I think he noticed that I too much unfocused right now just looking at him with not so good thoughts with fucked up sinful mind of mine. Only if he knew what I am thinking.

"Nothing let's get in the car" I ignored any further discussion and went towards the car, opened the door sat inside, waited for him to come and sit and drive I don't know where are er heading. This man literally makes me forget what to say and ask. we are not even anything and he already have control on me. What am I getting myself into? Should I stop this? But I dont want to. Ignoring the argument between my mind and my heart, I decided to go with a flow and enjoy the moment without overthinking it. Live a life for once. Nothing can go worse, right?

"Where are we going?" After being done with blushing and scolding myself. I finally got the courage to ask him where us he is taking me. This, all this sounds so wired more like shows how dumb I am. Like seriously he comes and take me somewhere and I just go with the flow. I don't why I trust him that much to go with him and thinks I am safe, and he will not hurt me maybe because of our first met or maybe because he didn't do anything inappropriate. He doesn't look like a person like that, but we can't judge someone just by looks. Now it's my overthinking talking because of it I never let anyone in.

"Wherever you want" he said while keeping his full focus on the road. Then I remember last time I said I will go to his house as he offered last time but I dint went. Now sounds a good time but the think is he invited me to his house sounds not like him. Like he doesn't look likes the person who will invite people that more like he will scare people away just from his looks. I am assuming a lot of things just by looking hopefully I will not regret it later

"Let's go to your house last time I don't had time now I have" he just hummed in reply.

So, I'm going to his home. TO HIS HOUSE gosh I hope he lives alone I don't want to meet another people I hate socialising more like talking with people I don't know. But on the other hand, butterflies are flying in my stomach just the thought of his house and he is taking me there. God help me I think I am going beyond by liking him and I don't know what he feels. This is for sure there is something between us.

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