How did you get inside ? || 26

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"I got something about the Russians." Finally.

"Send me the info right now" my voice bit harsh.

After driving her to the campus, I decided to go to the supermarket to get some grocery. I could have asked more like hired anyone to do it for me but I can't risk someone finding out what I am here for. However I wanted to do it myself for her.

I noticed, she don't like eating out much more like in crowded places and likes to stay at home rather than being out. So, my plan is to buy everything to fill up my empty kitchen, she can cook anytime and anything she wants.

But Max call changed my whole mood. The moment I hear about the Russians it just made me bitter and the scare they gave me, how can I forget that and I will make sure they will also not.

On one side this that Russian which just make me want to wipe there existence from this earth and I will do it but I am also scared for her. Being with me will eventually lead her in this mess which I don't want at any cost, I can't let that happen I will do everything in my power to keep her away.

She makes me forget about everything, the only thing I remember is her, my mind, thoughts, she is everywhere in me. Thinking about her or having her close to in my arms I find different kind of relief from everything, I relax in her presence, its feel like I don't know this emotion but this feelings gives me peace.

Its been just few moments since she walked out of the car and I am already missing her presence, her in my lap, my arms around her waist kissing the hell out of her. Oh, that lips so soft and so fucking addictive and her sent that drives me crazy. Not to miss the way she was responding to me so sensitive yet so bold.


Got the

The wild one.

A smile came over my face thinking
about her. Russians and Max long forgotten just her in my thoughts. She is perfect example of dirty brain with innocent face. I never thought she is going to be bold and the fact that she without any shame asking for me to ruin her, siting on my damn lap touching my cock and teasing the hell out of me.

My wild Pantheon.

Am I complaining ? which son of a bitch will complain, when his women is fucking goddess. The only thing I want is that she is comfortable enough to share everything with me, don't matter what it is. I want to be the only person she come whenever she wants something emotionally or physically.

"Where the hell are you lost?" he yelled through the phone, pulling me out from my day dreaming, from where the hell I stated doing that. This woman will be death of me.

"I thought you must go 'ready to kill mood' but to my disappointment it looks like you don't care anymore about the revenge thing" he continued

"Better keep you're useless mouth shut if you want to live longer and stop bullshitting get to the point" I am already frustrated because of my so called dick which cant behave when I am around her and now, he is getting in my nerves.

"Oh, you do not know how useful my mouth is yet. If you want, I can show you."

"you pray form your god damn life when I come there you will be died."

"Why so rude Mr. boss we both know you have threated me a lot of time but I am still standing alive and most importantly you are be way too busy with your women to come here."

"Stop evaluating my patience you know well enough what I can do even through you are not dead." He is making me furious every time passes and he knows what I can do when someone gets on my nerves doesn't matter who it is.

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