Stranger || 7

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Jessica pov

( Bedrrom she slept in )

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( Bedrrom she slept in )

My eyes s itching maybe because of light and my head fells so heavy. Slowly I opened my eyes and the light coming thorough curtains making me blind. I looks around the room was dark only whre I was lying can we see because of the light coming from outside. Then it hits me I am not IN THE HOTEL ROOM WHRE I AM AND where is my sister. I started to panic then it run my blood froze I can't move I was feeling numb by the thought of that the guys from yesterday take me this can't be right no, no, no. I just hope my siter is fine. This room and the fear of what is going to happen is eating me alive. My parents they going to kill my siter. They are going to so disappointed and will not let my sister out after this for sure. She is going to be trapped like. A tear formed in my eyes, but I dint let it fall I cat be weak I have time to escape from here. Use your mind think, Jessi, think. I got up from the bed and went to loom outside if there is someone outside. The house looks expensive must be some rich dude living here moreover every mafia is rich wish I had that much money. The house is dark, mysterious and expensive just the way I like. Oh god what the hell is wrong with me just a moment ago I was panicking now I am admiring the house which people mostly find boring, but I am different I dont like much colourful stuff. I was about to go downstairs then I hear footsteps coming from behind. I looked at hallway, but I can't see his face he is tall and maybe he is wearing black because that the colour which disappear in the darkness. My eyes stayed at him and waited for him to come near to me so I can see. I noticed there is no other person here that means I am not kidnapped by the guys from yesterday or maybe the left me to their boss. Only he can answer my questions.

"Who are you" I questioned me curiously his footsteps coming closer making my heartbeat fast by every step he took. I just dont want my mind goes to that some book charters for God's sake.

"Aaron" his voice is deep and sounds so good. I'm already drooling over it how can I find a voice attractive oh my god I am so sexually frustrated right now. Focus Jessi, focus

"Why am I here?" I asked keeping a soft toon in my voice because I dont think he is going to hurt me if he wanted, he would have already done that. I wouldnt be alive.

"You fell unconscious yesterday when I--"

"YESTERDAY?? I HAVE BEEN SLEEP FOR THAT LONG" I said cutting him off, I am so shocked right now I never sleep this long what the hell is wrong with me. Wait where is my sister she is alone oh my god she is not even an adult I must go to her. I looked up to him he is standing I front of me with little pissed expression must be because I cut him off. wait I saw him yesterday at restaurant was he following or what but whatever I safe now he is not from mafia right is he was then he wouldn't save me then I am fine, but I never been in the man's house oh my god my parents will kill me if the god to know it. I dont want to look at him because I dont want to feel for someone it's not good, but I can't stop myself he is beautiful. Well, build body full of muscles, mysterious, tall just like a book character. Words are not enough to describe him, his eyes, his nose, that lips oh god I should stop this lustful stare it's not good. He is making me lose my control which never happen. This man can bring anyone to knees. But the thing is even through I find him attractive, I can't think about the stuffs like this because we shouldnt desire about the things which is out of our reach.

"I am sorry for cutting you off I panicked because my siter is alone for whole day" he kept his face straight it is hard to study his expression, but I can say he is not pissed anymore. He just nodded his head

"Your sister is fine and is in her hotel room, I send someone yesterday to your sister to look if she is fine."

"Who did you send?" I asked hopefully not a man because I dont trust them, and she is a child

"One of the men how works with me" I tensed up "dont worry he is not like what you thinking" he said seeing my reaction well still I can't trust I always have trust issues but still he is said then he must be right because he also didn't do anything to me. I was bit reviled that she is fine bit still I must see her, but I dont know where I am how should I go back. I can't even find my phone. He went downstairs leaving me in my thoughts I went back to where I slept to look for my phone, but it was not there just great I lost it and it already 6 in the evening my parents must be angry for not calling. I went downstairs and get some courage to ask him to Drope me back to my hotel room. I am preparing a conversation in my find to how to ask it's so hard just to ask this from a stranger guy I dont even know and spend a night in his house. It's so wired that I am not even scared, and I am not freaking out about spending a night in guys house is more surprising because I never went to anyone house not even girls.

( Downstairs and aslo we can see abit of upstairs hallway we can see they were standing there)

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( Downstairs and aslo we can see abit of upstairs hallway we can see they were standing there)

I saw him talking on phone and waited for him to finish after few minutes he ended the call and look in my way with questioning expression on his face

"Umm, firstly I wanted to say thank you for helping me and my siter. I am grateful" I looked up at him he was staring at me when our eyes met OMG, I GOT BUTERFLLIES in my stomach. His eyes are staring deep into my soul the way he looks at me is doing something to me which is not healthy. Ignoring my fast heartbeat and thousands of butterflies in my stomach I looked away from him. I just can't catch feelings not good and continue to what I was going to say

"Can you do me one more favour? Can you Drope me to my hotel because I dont know the direction and I lost my phone. If you want If not, I can find another way no pressure." I said avoiding his gaze on me. Is he also from because he looks like I wanted to ask but I should leave it it's not my business.

"I can Drope you, dont want what happened yesterday repeat again not everyone helps here" his voice sounds wait I shouldn't think about this ignoring my thought we headed out from his house towards the car. I hope my siter is fine like he said, and my parents will not be angry because I dont have energy to convince them again. His car smells like him addictive. I want to know him but no I can't have a boy friend and it's not like I am going to meet him again. His presence is doing something to me I never sleep this long and now I again drafting into sleep. He is making me feel safe so I can sleep carefree this is not good I dont even know him just met him yesterday I shouldnt be involved in this shit. It must be infatuation yeah that it.

Fighting with my inner self I fell sleep again in his presence.


I don't describe much of surroundings mostly I don't get pictures which suits my description so I just add pic for u guys to know the surroundings if u want me add more details about the atmosphere do let me know in comments
- author

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