Graduation || 10

24 3 4

Jessica Pov

2 years later

I survived I finally did it. Finally, the last day to my high school I am graduating today. I am so happy right now nothing can compare to this happiness I worked my ass off for this, for my graduation. I still remember back then I just wanted to give up and disappeared somewhere where no one can find me from all the stress, from my life but then I tell myself only coward run from problems I faced them and survived just alright now I finally leaving this shit school. Well, I never find school shit, but we moved out from the place I loved I enjoyed, the friends I like are left all behind with just memories we made together, beautiful ones. I miss them. School was perfect escape from my problems but to anymore these 2 years I know how I survived the new school gives like depressed people vibes; everyone was so strict as hell I never made any friend's, well-being introverted dont help you at all in these situations. I just talked when needed they had their own groups, I was never invited in any of them it does makes me sad but it's fine. We must learn to survive alone not every time there is someone for you. I still miss my Italy vacation it was the best part of my life as I assumed before we moved out after that vacation, I left my friends again just because of my parents

 I still miss my Italy vacation it was the best part of my life as I assumed before we moved out after that vacation, I left my friends again just because of my parents

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(Her dresse imagine it without cut becuse she dont like wearing dresses with cuts )

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I hear loud music playing all are dancing, enjoying themself and here I am wishing to be with my old friends

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I was pulled out of my thoughts when I hear loud music playing all are dancing, enjoying themself and here I am wishing to be with my old friends. Standing alone awkwardly. I am regretting coming here. I just hope when I go to university, it will be good finger crossed.

"Why are you standing here alone go dance with your friends" my mom said I rolled my eyes dont she know I am embarrassed to do so. Oh, forget they never care about this shit.

"I am fine here, and it will be rude to go dance with a people I just talk only when needed they are not my friends just classmates" I replied with annoying expression voice she just nodded

I hate parties but not always right now I just want to go home watch tv, eat and sleep. I can already imagine doing it. Its the best way to celebrate. But can't do because of my so-called parents they will think I am being lazy I just can't sit at home peaceful. that's the reason I going to find a university far away from my house so I can have some freedom.

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