Confession || 21

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"Im catching feelings for you" I eyes quickly opened and I registered that I just confessed.

"When I look into your eyes, I do not want to look anywhere else but you. When you smile, I want to capture it for myself, only for me. I want to you to smile just for me have your eyes just for me, even your thoughts I want them just for me. I want all of you just for me. I want to cherish everything about you. With you I forget all my worries. I feel safe, it feels like I can finally be in peace, I can finally lay my head on someone. I know it is too early for all this. We do not even know each other just met few times. But I never felt like this with any other man. I do not even know what I want but I am sure that I am falling for you." I did not expect myself to confess this early when I am going to be rejected but I just wanted it to out my chest.

"Here you go, the answer to your question. Now can you leave me to the bus station?" I said with the confidence in my voice, but his damn lips are making me weak. I do not understand why he is still this close to me.

"Bold of you to assume I will ever let you go" the vibration of his deep voice against my cheek is doing something to me. I turned my head which was the stupidest decision of my life. My lips brushed against his. God finally even it was an accident but the sweet one. Oh, again my horny ass, my eyes shut closed just to feel the moment before he decided to take his lips away from me. It was not a kiss but still it raises my heartbeat and I felt thousands of butterflies do not miss the wetness down there.

He did not move an inch and I registered what he said. The question is why he said that and what does he means by that. I put just a little distance between us. We are breathing the same air about little finger gap between us. I do not want to end this moment but also wanted the answer.

"What do mean by that?" I whispered. We are so close that is proximity will be making me lose my self-control. I do not even know how I am getting confidence to even speak in front of him. I am too far gone in the feeling of him being this close. I am not even thinking what I am saying.

"I do not have any girlfriend. I just wanted to see your reaction e lo adore." Putting my both hands on his chest I pushed him away from me with a force.

"You got be kidding me" and he just laughed God that dimples, jess do not get distracted, focus. Your angry right now.

"Oh my god I just made a fool of myself, I should have controlled my tongue. God, I hate my temper sometimes. I just want that the earth swallows me, or I should go bang I head in the wall."

"Calm down darling" Did he just-

My heart just came out of the chest. I am freaking stopped breathing.

"You look beautiful when you blush for me" more heart rushed to my cheeks

I bet I am looking like a tomato right now. Do he want to kill me tonight. I am fucking loss of words, my whole confidence just went in vain just with a single word, this is insane, the amount of effect he has on me.

The whole way back we did not exchange any words I was still not over what he said to and that he teased me. I never thought he is going to be like this. His aura is so strong and scary, and it never leads you to think he will do something like that. I am surprised the way he acts I did not imagine it to be like this. He is like those fictional book boyfriend types. Do not talk much, is grumpy, always have poker face on expect when there are with their womens. He gives me that types of vibes not to miss the way he makes me feel. God, I cannot explain it in words.




"I should go and cook." I said when noticed him cooking in kitchen with me. Maybe wanted to help but I would rather do it myself if he stays here. For sure he going to distract me.

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