New Enemy || 2

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Jessica Pov

I wake up hearing my sister shouting downstairs about something and I got up to freshen up. Then remember I HAVE FLIGHT TODAY!! OMG how can I forget that I checked the time only 30 min I must get ready if I don't get on time my father will be hell angry. I dressed myself put some makeup on my face, well I am not good in make-up but whatever I am doing it today. I went downstairs with my luggage.

"Oh, finally she is here" I sister said while playing some game on her phone. I am jealous sometime how she got her phone this early. I got my first phone at 17 and she little annoying shit. She is even allowed to play and if I am on my phone everyone start lecturing me. I got out my thoughts when I hear our father calling us.

My mom come and hugged me "take care of yourself and your stuff dont leave anything ok?" she said.

"Okay" I replied and broke the hug and went to my father. I will call you mom when we will be there she nodded and said goodbye to us.

The car drive was silent nobody talks well it is always like that with my father. I dont understand how people say parents are so important, they take care of you. I am jealous of peoples who have so understanding and lovely parents. Mine is not even close to that. I just wish I had enough freedom in my life. I seems so selfish thinking that I am going to Italy alone well I also dont know why he did agree to this because it never happens in my 18 years of my life that he let me go somewhere.

After 3 hours

Well, the car drive was silent, and my father drop us to airport 30 min ago. Now we are in plane teeing our seatbelts ready to fly to my first ever trip alone. This makes me feel free, I can do whatever I want for 3 weeks. I am already loving this.

Aron Pov

l'hai Trovato? I asked my man who is entering in my office with fills in his hand (did you find him?). He nodded his head and showed me the documents he was Holding in his hand. Now I got some work to do, it really pissed me off that he tried to run away from me. He must have a death wish. This is going to be fun.

Dov'è? (Where is he?)

all'interno del club (inside the club)

Before I enter the club my soldiers already made everyone to live by shotting. People Panic and leave they got scared so easily weak, pathetic.

Well, well what a pleasure to Metting you again I said in my Italian accent. His legs were trembling with fear seems like going to piss in his pants. I smirked to him. Oh, how much I love people seeing so weak, sacred. It shows who is in the power.

i dont have time to waste on you we can make it quick maybe I will forgive you I have more important stuff to deal with this stupid sun of bitch. Everyone looked at me shocked because I never chit chat nor forgave someone well I also dont know why I am doing this. It's for sure I never forgave someone. I believe in killing. Who is your boss?

I dont know his name, but he wants to destroy you and asked me to get information about your security and I was ordered to find your weakness I chuckled I the mafia king have weakness this person must be stupid I dont love anything more than my power. He useless, I wasted my time here. I shout him direct in his head and ordered my man to clean the mess. I am curious who got this much balls to plan something against me how far I know nobody have this mush guts. This is going to be fun; I never had a rivel for long let's see what this Suspious man can do. Let the game begin.


Author: hello my lovely readers. first to fall thanks for reading this book. its my first book if you notice any mistake please tell me kindely and if u have any suggestion I would love to hear that. Please do leave a comment !! I don't speak italien so the conversation in italien in this story are traslations from google.

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