My Shirt || 24

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*They are talking in Italian*

"Get me the details of our new contract" I have signed a business contract with a company to launch a hotel line here. Only legal business I have, and it will also be a good reason to sell to other that I'm staying here for business purposes. So, they will stay away from her. I don't want her to be get involved in this.

"Well, what a nice way to wish someone good morning."

"Seriously Aaron we know why you are here so enjoying a life a little bit and let me enjoy and stop glaring at me." I think this motherfucker have death wish in early morning.

"Keep your volume low if you don't want to be 6 feet under the ground."

"I'm not scared of your threats and why it's not like anyone lives in here" he noticed the change in my face, and I know where his brainless mind is going.

"Don't tell me you let a woman inside your house. I thought you liked her. Oh my god then I have a chance." Just a thought of her with anyone else other then pushed me to the edge. I didn't let him speak further and wrapped my hands around his throat.

"She is mine will always be mine. Never ever think about her any way otherwise I will ripe your soul out of your body if you ever dare to even lay, your hands on her and this is my promise." I gritted my teeth's in anger and let him go from my hold.

"Clam down man. I was just joking. Never new you will get this possessive over someone."
he walked out of the room and I just sitting here calming myself. He and his jokes will be the reason of his death. After a moment he came back with a file in his hand.

"Here you go."

I was busy looking and checking the details that I heard a noise more like my name getting called upstairs is sweet honey voice. Just by this smile came on my face.

"Did I just saw you smiling." I looked up from the file. how did I forget he was also here.

"Oh my God, the grumpy best friend of mine is smiling" I rolled my eyes and stand up to go and check on her.

"So, the women are her. Oh MY GOD I can finally met my sister-in-law" he said in excitement.
Before I made my way out of the room he came and stood in front of me.

"Get out of my way. you are getting on my nerves now."

"Don't tell me." he covered his mouth with his hands. He and his dramatic ass.

"Did you guys sleep together?" I glared at him.

"What? You have been looking for her over 2 years. You wanted her so badly."

"Not everyone is like you. That all they want is get laid."

"Ohhh, darling you were the one who was fucking everyone women in whole Italy. Not me"

"It was-" he didn't let me complete.

"I Know, I know that you were do scared to admit that you loved her. After meeting her first time you decided to ignore the feeling and fuck every women. Hope she will not find how much of manwhore you are more than me"?

But this dick never went inside somone after this obessesion with her.

I only want her now.

Suddenly I'm feeling guilty. She is pure and I'm the sinner full of every once of darkness and she full of light. Getting close to her feels so wrong but still my heart wants her just her no one else. I crave her touch, her voice, the feeling of her around me. Its feels like hell have found his heaven.

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