Towel || 23

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I wake up at 6 as usual and I must go back to campus as much as I love to stay here with him. I should get my ass working for the things I want in my life. My mind started playing all the things happened and God the way his words where affect me. Not to forget that he said I can do whatever I want with God he has no idea how much my thoughts are corrupted for him.

Just remembering about him makes me blush God I am down bad or maybe I am just too much horny. My stomach just dropped what I did after the kiss twice. Where the fuck that confident and boldness come from maybe because I was enjoying the reaction he was giving me. I was not sacred; I was comfortable with him. A sound of phone ringing pulled me out of my thoughts before it got to nasty.

Caller Id Isa. She woke up early today.

"Where are you. You did not even call me at all, and you are not even back. Do not tell you already get laid."

"Sorry for not calling got occupied with some stuff and Im at his house."

"Ohhhh, occupied like getting laid?" I can feel her smiling even through my phone.

"No darling, I didnt get laid and it also not happening soon."

"Why? Is there problem with him or you do not find him hot enough god jazz I thought you liked him and not to miss the way you look at him like he is most attractive men you ever seen in your life."

"Its not like that, I do like him."

"whats the problem then?"

"I must sound old fashioned right now, but I will only do it after marriage. Why do you think I never dated anyone like seriously because this was the reason. I never met anyone that will respect my decision. They just think it is a dumb shit but for me its not. I only want to be with one man that will only be the man who will respect that. With Aaron I do not know I think its him, but I do not know what he thinks about all these things."

"It is not old fashioned; it is just you have morals and principle which most of dumb fuckers do not have these days. If you think you have future with him then do not give up and do not forget to give me details."

I am feeling so good that somebody is finally understand why I think like that. Mostly they just laugh and thinks I am saying it because no one will fuck because I am ugly. Well, that bitches really had no idea what I am, so I let them think whatever makes them feel good about themselves.

"Im really happy that I met you and being friend with you." I said genially. I do not make friends easily because I just met bitches in my life finally one real friend.

"Dont make me emotional now bitch." I just laughed in response.

"Im going to sleep now I was so worried about you, but you bitch was just enjoying her night with her boyfriend."

She did call me a lot of times last night, but I was too busy with completing me fantasises I literally forget about everything.

The word boyfriend did something to me. I cannot express how happy I am.

"Sorry, darling I will make it up to you."

"Okay, come back soon" she said while yawning.

"Yeah, will be there as fast as I can."

I was about to put my phone aside but then a notification popped up from unknown number.

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