Chapter 47

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Three Months Later

Bella's POV:

I looked into the full floor to ceiling mirror and found myself looking at someone I didn't know, with the eyes black as coal, bruises under my eyes, skin white as a sheet of paper, and thin, so thin that the bones in my vampire body were protruding. 'This must be what a dying vampire looks like' I thought to myself as I ran my hands over my caved in stomach as my hair dripped onto the floor from the shower I had just gotten out of a moment ago. As the water hit the floor I thought of warm wet blood pumping through someone or something's veins as my throat burned like it was on fire and I swallowed the venom that was forming in my mouth, I have never known thirst this bad, even the burn of changing was nothing to this but still I didn't scream and I went on as if everything was normal though the masters have had to buy a new wardrobe.

"Mom we're thirsty!" Yelled EJ from the other side of the door, 'if only you knew.' I thought as I rushed into my cloths and walked out of the room thinking of the day I had agreed that we would drink human blood.

Flash Back: Two Months Ago:

Aro had been very understanding of me wanting to keep the children and myself on a diet of animal blood instead of human and though he didn't understand truly he did at least let us but now we were outside of the 'thrown room' where their seats were and Aro was standing with us as the triplets sniffed the air as they smelt the human blood that was spilling on the other side of the doors. "They seem very curious." He said as his filmed eyes followed the children. "Aren't you as well?" I thought before I responded "Yes I am a little, it does smell very good." I muttered with a frown. "Why not give in then?" He asked as I bit my lip. "Just one try." I whispered lowering my head and watching my feet. "Wonderful!" He crowed as if I had just given him the best gift of all time and in my heart I knew that once they got the taste for human blood they wouldn't wanna go back. "I think it's time for bed." I said as I looked out the window and found the stars were out and glowing brightly.

In the morning I noticed foot steps coming towards the door of the triplets room and opened it before it could be knocked on, "Yes?" I asked Jane being sure not to wake the children. "The masters said to send you with gifts." She whispered in a soft voice to low for humans to hear. "I'll put yours in 403, Rose's in 404, Renesseme's in 405, and EJ's in 406, Remember these since they will be your feeding quarters since the masters find that it could be as risk to the little ones and we know how you hate to be very far from them, oh one more thing, they think this is a hotel and you are all going to be room service." She whispered with a smile. "Thank you." I whispered back as I closed the door and got dressed and woke the children and headed us to our dinning rooms.

As I walked into my room I saw an older woman who looked like she had lived a full life and I was glad that they didn't give me someone young and just starting out in life but still I told her that I was house keeping and started to clean what little mess there was and then told her that she looked stressed and had her to turn so her back was to me and as fast as I could broke her neck and started to drink.

By the time I was done I was shaking and choking on the tears that wouldn't come and as I headed for the door I found that I doubled over and threw every drop of blood I had just swallowed come back up.

(sorry guys for taking so long! I'm so so sorry)

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