chapter 44

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Bella's POV:

We went down long halls and through heavy, old doors and dark rooms and although i felt a little safer I still didn't want any of my children on the floor knowing that we could run faster with them on our hips then them beside us comferted me. It wasn't long till we walked into a brightly lit room with a desk with a pretty blond behind it and with one sniff I knew she was human and not a momment later the Ally-Rose whispered "mommy she's human." in my ear. "I know honey." I whispered back. As we watched her, her head raised and she smiled, "Welcome back Jane!" she said happily before she saw us and said "Welcome please make yourself at home." she said waving up to a group of chairs. "The masters want to see them now." Jane said before she pushed the door open and looked behind herself for the first time and said "come along." before walking past the doors and into a room that I knew held people that ether wanted to hurt me and my family or protect us.

Edward left Bella pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now