chapter 32

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Bella's POV :

I could feel EJ trying to shift on my back to try and jump off as his sisters held him to my back knowing I wouldn't want him to jump. My child wants to fight a fight that is going to kill him, the very thought tore me apart inside and I knew what I had to do in that moment. After a second of thought I ran my hand over Ally-Roses's purse and found the pocket her phone was in a fished it out and with one hand dialed a number I memorized the second I saw it and the second it rang I screamed a scream that made all the birds take flight all at once within two miles and ten miles away the birds flew off the same way and I headed for it knowing what I would find when I got there or worse ether way it would be better then what I would receive if I went back to my fam... The wolves.

Edward left Bella pregnantWhere stories live. Discover now