The New Sithdom of Egypt

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Darth Enva found the technological level of this world saddening, they were in the era where alloy weapons were still weak. The fastest route of travel was the river, any by animal pulled chariots. However....he had learned that great works had been built, pyramids, to the north.

Darth Enva would use the power of the force to ensure that the ministers remained loyal to him, and soon, he had his army ready to move north, towards the Lower kingdom of Egypt. He would conscript 1 out of every 10 abled body men in his forces, having his sith units divide them into 3 groups, either the spearmen, archers, or the chariot drivers, as many were being made.

New weapons were in development, axes, and curved swords, known as Khopesh. Arming the new army would be slow, taking a near year since the landing, and conquest of the of Enva's kingdom. Some new armor would be developed, a type of scale armor, where the scales were placed on a leather pad, that would distinguish the officers of the units. 

After his first year, he would appoint Conca as the general, who would lead the army north, to destroy the lower kingdom. The army would march out, with Enva's Sith Army, staying, with the exception of 50 men, who would keep an eye on Conca, to ensure her own loyalty.

The situation however wad different to the south, was a militaristic people, those that were called Nubian, they had repeatedly clashed fortresses, pushing, and would threaten the boarder over and over. He would have Cution, along with 100 sith soldiers, along with archers and spear men to deal with the southern threat.

Lord Conca would ride a chariot, it would be days of riding, until she reached the boarder, and smiled, seeing a large field.

"What is the plan, Lady Conca?" the Chariot driver, asked, fearful.

"Have we neared the city?" She asked.

"I can have a chariot scout out ahead." He stammered.

"Do it. I have plans, that require faster travel methods." She stated.

Conca would have many ships sail down the river, barges that would take her army to lower egypt, before she would eventually reach the lower kingdom. Departing, she would draw the forces by razing villages along the river, using the crops to feed her army. She also had ignited many of the ports along the cities to cause damage, preventing food from being brought in. 

The siege of the lower kingdom were rather swift, as after one month, the situation with food left many angry, and Conca would simply cut the doors open with her lightsaber, having her infantry charge against the weakened opposition, before killing each of the lords of the city, until they reached the city of Avaris. 

The plan was different, it had to be, Darth Enva was now here, Conca would use the force and simply destroy the gate house, before the forces would flood in. Of course he also had some forces move into the city by the river side. The battle of Avaris would last for some time, nearly going for a day, until Darth Enva would reach the the palace and take the head of the the Pharaoh, Sequenere Tao, killing the ruler of the Lower Egypt.

Lord Enva would crown him self Dark Lord of Egypt, and move his Capital to Memphis. Enva would become an expert in Statecraft, working on creating advancements in technology, primarily, in two areas, metallurgy, and medicine.

The 3 Acolytes of the sith would me made lords of their own cities, however still would pay tribute to their Master.

Enva would work to stabilize his Sithdom, eventually leading him to work on two big projects. The first one was a canal, one that would act as a defensive barrier for his kingdom to the west. After two years of his rule, Lord Enva, would have a harem, all blinded, as he learned of the culture he took over, and their fears.

The Sith pureblood would have a child with one of his slaves, and the children would be looked after by doctors. 

One day, one of the old priests would come to give Enva's children. The Priest would enter the chamber, where Darth Enva had his children waited, outside, he had not been seen by anyone except for the doctors who looked after him, and the servants of the palace, but no word of the child ever left the palace of the Sith.

"Ra's light shines down on us today, as the next in line of the 17th Dynasty is given his name." The preist said

Zatoir, the son of Darth Modjish Enva, would walk from the chambers. The soft breeze was a sensation he didn't often feel. In his hand, was a blade of bronze, one that was forged and created from Sith Alchemy.

As the Priest, Hammu, finished the traditional prayers and prepared for the crowning ceremony. 

Zatoir would be found by the priest. The priest's face was contorted in horror, seeing the child of the the Dark Lord. 

"Mo..MONSTER!" he Shouted, taking hold of the ceremonial knife, one that would be used to slice the hand to add blood into ink, to forever tie them prince to the name, but now, it would be used to kill the monster.

Zatoir raised his hand, acting as if he was gripping the air, before the Priest felt a hand on his neck, choking him. Zatoir grinned, tightening his fist, and the grip around the priests neck.

"Do you feel that? It is your gods, not caring for you. That is the power that comes from my father, the dark lord of Egypt. You will join your gods, knowing, that in time, all of your precious dedication, will lead you into the maw of Apopis." He said, before snapping the neck of the priest. 

Darth Enva walked in, and smiled.

"Good work son, now, draw his blood, taint the purified pool, and let it become red with the blood of the first weakling you killed." Darth Enva said.

Zatoir walked to the body, dragging it to the pool, before slitting the throat and draining it into the pool, slowly the spread of the water, grew more vibrant with red strands spreading from the body.

"Excellent work." Modjish said, grinning, as he looked down at his son.

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