The Emperor of Jade

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It had been years since my He had adopted the clothing of the people, except, there was a unique crown, made by many feathers and decorative metals ornamentation. 

It had been maybe 5 years that had passed, and the word of my existence had made many follow behind me, villages from across the region that I inhabit. I had an army under my command, one I didn't give orders to, with 5 generals, each who took a weapon they found effective.

The 5 generals simply named themselves, as they refused to have their original names be connected, they were servants of the gods.

Shen Zhi Mao, the champion of the spear, he was the man with more courage, so much that it could almost be like radiation.

Shen Zhi Gong, the best archer of those that had become his followers, could strike a black feathered bird that had flown in darkness.

Shen Zhi Fu, the man with the strength to chop a tree town with a single swing of his axe, no shield would be in his way.

Shen Zhi Jian, the woman who had turned the moves of Shii-Cho into the motions of a river, a rival to any who lack the force in a contest of blades. 

Shen Zhi Dun, a man who didn't yield, his strength was that of power and will. His chest was covered in scars, but not one was on his back.

Word had come that the city, the larger city of Yin, which now gathered an army, under it's ruler, the King Tai Jia, had heard of their existence, and now rallied to destroy them. If this was 5 year ago, I may have been worried, however, now....he had an army, and the general, simply known as Yaoguai. 

The armies would march on the open ground, with small hills, that could serve as strong points, or weaknesses, depending on how they are used. I was in a carried carriage by 4 individuals who saw me as a god, so I let them. I closed my eyes, and began to sense the force, pulling it in, letting it flow threw me.

The flow of the force allowed me to know the size, of both my army, and the enemy. I felt the difference, and knew, only one skill I had would allow a true victory against these near impossible odds.

I closed my eyes, focused, and Meditated. The Meditation made by soldiers stronger, braver, more powerful. As the battle began, Horns and drums payed, as the enemy army approached.

Yaoguai would take the lead, and she grinned at the power. With her hands, she focused, before pointing them out and pulled the life energy from the bodies of the approaching army of Xi. Before the bravest of the soldiers could react, they fell to the ground dead, cold to the touch.

As spear men charged, she used the life energy she had pulled and blasted it out, sending many flying as they were blasted away.

"WITNESS THE POWER OF THE DEMON EMPRESS OF HELL!" She shouted, enjoying the rumors that spread around her. 

My own army charged. The spears would charge in, and impale the breaking lines, archers launched arrows behind the lines, while the men with swords locked blades and sliced through the enemy.

My Generals launched an attack, pushing through the middle, rushing to the banner of the enemy. Yaoguai sliced through with a force enhanced halberd, chopping enemies down. Jian and Fu to her right would move and push back those she did not kill in the swing of her blade, while Moa and Dun, on her left, killed those that she missed. Gong would shoot arrows by 3s and kill 6 men with each volley he released.

As the base of the poll was reached, the banner fell, pulled to the hand of the Demon Empress by the force. She raised it and roared, the betrayal of many soldiers. Those who were not loyal to king Tai Jia. Hundreds defected, by pointing their spears at the ground. 

The battle was nearly ended, until one man stood and maid a loud shout, challenging Shi Zhong Yongshi.

"Stone spirit! You shall fall to my blade!" the general of the army of Xi claimed. 

I stood up, ending the meditation, before I placed my hand on my saber's hilt. I strode forward. A corridor opened up between where I stood, and where the general stood. He carried a blade, and began to charge at me. The Blade raised over his head, he would leap into the air and swing his blade down, attempting to split my head open with the blade.

With a swift motion, My blade activated, glowing a radiant green that cut through the metal of the sword, before returning, slicing the hands of the general off. As he landed, I spun and came to rest on a single knee, my blade turning off, the general silent as he realized what had happened.

His head fell off his shoulders and his bodied followed it to the ground. I rose to my feet, and looked down.

"This did not have to happen...It was blood shed without need. I wish to have the king who sought before me. He must see what he has done." I stated.

One man with a helmet approached. He looked at my feet, bowing.

"I shall get king Tai Jia, and bring him here. You must remain, but the army can not. He will have his personal guard with him, it will be better, if he does not believe this is a trap." He explained.

With in a few hours, the approach of a royal procession was heard, or rather, seen. I sat in my palanquin, looking down.

I saw the man being protected by men in bronze, with red clothes flapping from the halberd's tips. The man looked out, surprised. I simply approached, moving towards the procession. I saw as a volley of arrows were fired, attempting to strike me down. I simply raised my hand and halted the arrows, having them drop to the ground.

I kept my steady approach continued. The guards attempted to charge me. They swung their halberds from all directions. I used the force to push them back and throw them to the ground. The king ran, trying to escape, before I used the force to lift him up.

"Tai Jia. You created death. I am here to ask, why?" I questioned.

"You are just a man, who claimed power, stolen it from my ancestors. I am descendant from the Yellow Emperor himself! I am rightful in heir of all these lands. I am the heir of Yu the Great, who stopped the yellow river floods! You are the ruler of China! I AM!" Tai Jia shouted, as he was thrown to the ground, he looked up, being on his knees as he looked up.

I drew my lightsaber, and had the blade extend, radiating the green light. 

"The Yellow Emperor's line ends, with the Emperor of the Jade Blade." I stated.

-Excerpt of Master Isibert, First Recorded Emperor of Ancient Shanxi.

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