The Immortal Queen

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Nill Conca, queen of the Zyria, the Slaver Queen of the Sea, the Sorceress of blood, was sitting in her palace. Sitting upon her throne, she was angry. A Jedi had come through her lands and liberated thousands of slaves that she had captured, and fled far to the east, beyond her reach as they fled.

Nill would look at the court that has been thinned a bit. She had needed more blood to remain as youthful as she had. 

"My Queen. Why worry about a slave army? They are lesser beings." one of the sons of an allied city stated.

Nill looked at the young son, he was.....from Damascus. The city that was trying to forge iron that was mined. She cared little....but....maybe they could be useful in the future. She walked away and moved to the balcony. That single man had been causing problems for over a decade, it was was a headache the entire time, and made her feel like she was aging more and more.

The temple to the dark lady had grown, more people were worshiping her across her territories. It also helped that she had now worked on a new sorcery, one that would let her manipulate the minds of those from a great distance.

She would depart for the upper section of her palace. As she moved through the gardens, she smiled. The life in this garden was becoming more to her own desires, the poisonous plants, the fruit, everything was turning out rather well. The small temple she had before was now bigger. She walked up the steps, moving through the pillars, until she reached a basin, and picked up a jug, pouring water into the bowl.

She began to chant the ancient tongue that her spies had over heard Masked Bras speak as he began his own sorcery. She had learned much from him, and the words needed to control the minds. She narrowed her focus. Where should she start. 

She smiled, Red Lord Kerg would do nicely. As she chanted, the image of Red Lord Kerg, the half breed of the Kaleesh sith that landed with her own grand mother. He was sleeping. 

She smiled, the chant continued, she focused on what she wanted him to see in her own mind. His own brother, Masked Bras, sneaking up on him while Kerg looked at himself, before plunging the blade into him, then taking over his kingdom.

She stopped the chanting, before she rubbed ran her fingers through her hair. 

"I will let that develop, perhaps another day, I will have Issca the Lesser dream of ruling over his own brother's territory." Nill told herself.

Nill Conca, with an army of spies, and vast slave markets, was becoming a powerful force, one that would expand out. She would play nice with Enva III, but....She would play along, until she knew her power and authority over him was secured, then, she would be the one in queen of the Sithdoms. 

Her plans were simple, she would get who ever she needed, under her thumb, have her claws sink into them, and she would dominate them. 

-2 decades later-

Nill Conca, smiled. She rode on a chariot, watched as her armies of client city states deviated the tired armies of the twin kingdoms. Next to her stood her daughter, Lanah Adok, the only child she would have, and pass on the secrets of the dark side of the force to. 

Issca the Lesser attempted to kill his brother, had failed, and in return was exiled. Nill played along, letting his little rebellion grow and fight his brother, until they were tired. Now, she was simply invading, armies of her subjugated allies were attacking, killing the bleeding armies. The lands would welcome her, after all, no more sacrifices to the darkside, or forcing to war against another kingdom, she had taken down the Kaleesh brothers, they poisoned the other and she simply strode in and seduced the replacements easily. 

"Mother. Why do those below us think that they are worthy of the title of Dark Lord?" Lanah asked.

"It is because they are fools, they think they have power. You will soon have a chance to show your own power, we are going to take the Lands of Red Sand." Nill stated.

"You mean I will get to be the Pharaoh of the Sith Kingdoms?" Lanah asked excited.

"You will be the ruler of many lands in time. After all. We till need to destroy the source of resistance against our power. In time. We will cross the seas, and destroy the forces of Light, once and for all." Nill explained.

"Then we will rule of the world?" Lanah asked.

"Yes sweety. Together, we will rule this world, as truly immortal and unstoppable lords of the sith." Nill explained, smiling.

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