The Light of the Gods

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It was near the same time the sith landed, when a Jedi cruiser landed in a crash landing. The survivors were few, being that of 5 jedi, 1 master, 2 knights and 2 padawans , 4 troopers, 1 astromech, and 2 members of the SIS, the Republic Strategic Information Service. They had crashed into a mountain range on a strange peninsula covered in mountains. 

They had remained in the forces would venture down rarely, in an attempt to see what was occurring. They had found out they were located on an under developed world, that did have a population of humans, or....near humans. 

The world was in the early stages of history, as they had metallurgy, and stone carving civilization did exist, and a language gap did exist, however, the astromech, T7-52, would work to create a translation algorithm. 

The Jedi Master, a human man, he was dressed in robes and armor, and would meditate much of the day.

"Master, what should we do?" The knight, a Kiffar named Zilne Zal, asked.

"Knight Nas, Knight Zal, we must be patient. In time, we will understand our role." the master, Vetra explained.

The troopers were carrying a killed a wild pig. They also carried firewood and were preparing to cook the animal.

"Hey, Gears, See anything?" Spotter, a trooper asked.

"No, just more mountains, water, and the rare ship in the distance. You know, this is getting boring. I saw some natives of this place moving south, near the coast." Gears said, looking through a pair of binoculars.

The Jedi apprenctices, one, a mandalorian origin, who followed the ways of Mandalore, and the other a Mon Calamari, named Athane, and Pos Idelon would sneak down the mountain to get a closer look at the natives.

The pair would travel down, reaching the flat lands, well, relatively flat lands. They would travel, watching the people move along the land, carrying a cart with the body of a bull on it. As the pair watched from a higher up section of land, to avoid interacting with them. 

Athane leaned a bit more, carrying her light-pike, she knocked a rock down, causing many stones to fall, and drew the attention of the natives.

Athane, as a mandalorian who followed "The Ways" wore a helmet, made of beskar, and was made of a gold mix, giving it a bronze like color. Her light pike would be ignited, as she prepared to fight.

Pos, on the other hand, looked at the human companion, and ignited his blue blade, the many small shells on the barbs of his chin, with one larger shell on his head.

The pair saw as many of the natives gathering around, them.

"What do we do?" Pos whispered.

"I got an early version of the translation module, follow my lead." Athane said, as she spoke into the speaker of her helmet.

"Behold Mortals! I am your Goddess! Athane! He is your God Poseidon! We are here for you to decide a contest, we will grant you these lands, but you must name the city after us!" Athane said.

The mortals watched, fearfully, before Pos Idelon looked around, before he looked, before he remembered his training, and focused, the air began to become focused on a rock cluster, then drew his lightsaber, pointing it at the rocks, and igniting it, the tip not touching the rocks before his plan came together and out moved a small stream, as he used the force to make the moisture gather and "form" a stream, large enough to be seen, but not bit to cause damage.

The people were amazed, before one of the natives moved towards the river, and drank some, before coughing, claiming it was salt water.

"Of course it's salt water, we are near a freaking ocean." Pos thought.

Athane on the other hand, looked around, before she reached for a distant tree, and would move the tree from it's location on the mountain side, and move it to the landing.

"I present this fruit tree, let it's branches mean peace, and it's fruit provide wealth." She said.

The people all knelt, towards Athane.

"Looks like they chose you, now let's go before Zal notices we are gone." Pos said, nervous.

The pair would move through the crowd, everyone kneeling to them, as they walked away, before with the use of the force, ran as fast as they could away. They got back up the mountain, hoping they were not noticed.

"Hey Snake." Athane said, as she saw the Strategic Information Serice field operative, who was actually named San Ka, but was nicknamed Snake by the troopers.

"Yeah, T7 told Master Vetra that you "borrowed" the early iteration of the translation, now, I think your Jedi Master will want to have words with you." 

Over the next year, the Republic forces, would observe the construction of a small town, with a temple on a hill, it was small, and circled a tree. However, over the next few months, they would see men, in metal armor come and take a few people away.

On one trip down to gather audio, a trooper, who was called "Haelon" as he used to carry the H-43 Anti-Air explosives launcher which was called the "Hae Launcher" for short, and Master Vetra, would travel to the town. They had forgon their robes and armor, in place they wore the regional robes style. Hoplon, to her anger, did cover her breasts as she didn't think it was proper for a trooper. 

It came at a surprise when the "slavers" as the Republic had classified them, arrived. One soldier, as he wore bronze metal armor and carried a spear would look at Haelon, and smile. He reached out to grab her, when with a single swift punch struck the man in the nose and grabbed the spear. She used it to threaten other soldiers, before Master Vetra would use the force, and disarm the soldiers.

The people would see this act of courage, and some would start to grab tools, axes, and scythes surrounding the now disarmed soldiers.

"You shall bare the wraith of Great Minos!" One soldier shouted.

"We shall bare no oppression, so says Haelon." Haelon proclaimed.

The many individuals ran away, before there were cheers, however, this was not the end, just the beginning.

"I fear this town will be in danger. Go tell the others, we will need to prepare this town, to have it defend itself." Master Vetra said, as he looked to the small town, and the small building on the hill.

Could 5 jedi defend that pathway?

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