Birth of Cultivation

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I would see the group standing before me, 40 men, young as those who seem barely out of their teenage years, and old, as those who's hair is starting to have it's color fade.

"I will teach you the basics of combat. The zones you need to strike to defeat an enemy. There are 6 target zones. Each of you holds a baton, to simulate a blade. Pair up, and I will tell you where each zone is." I instructed my speaker to explain.

"The master will teach you to fight, there are 6 zones, use the batons to mimic a sword, and wait for instruction on the strike zones." the explained.

I would pick up a baton, before moving to face a scare crow.

I first swung at the head. "Zone 1, the head. A strike powerful strike, using both hands, strike down at the head of your enemies. To defend against this strike, you do not block, but deflect. Have the force slide away from your body."

"Zone one, is a power strike to the head of the enemy, you do not block, but refirect the strike away from you."

I watched as the students would mimic the strike, as others would try and block the strike, and some getting hit on the heads as they didn't have the strength to block it. Shaking my head, I saw those who could not block the strikes.

"Disappointing." The Speaker stated, "You do not try to stop the strike, you redirect. Do not hold the weapon flat, you let the strike slide down and away from you."

The strikes continued, those who failed, I know I would not be able to truly teach. The Strikes continued, until I stop them.

"Next is the upper right, this is zone 2. Think of a swing of an axe. Blocking will be hard, to best fight, you do not stop a blow, but dodge."

The training soldiers would practice dodging, steps back were met with powerful swings. Each zone of training was similarly met, some found the action useful to lean, but most found their steps.

My observant eyes were rather keen, when I noticed someone, someone I hadn't seen. A woman. She was however clearly not from this ear. That was clear by the armor, it was one from beyond this planet.

I used the force to pull my saber to my free hand, before I would call to the force, pull it into me and with enhanced speed, dash at the other force wielder. She would dash at me as well, and leap into the air.

I would jump, in order to meet her. With the baton in hand, I threw it at her, to make her move from her attack to guard position, in an attempt to not be struck by the wooden tool. As she blocked, my lightsaber activated and in a clean move, we both landed. She fell to a knee, holding her broken lightsaber, before I deactivated my own blade.

"Why did you not kill me?" She asked, confused.

" only codes that matter are ones that have us survive." I simply stated, not communicating this to the speaker, leaving them in wonder at what was actually being said.

She looked at the people, holding their batons.

"You just needed someone to actually talk with, I doubt those savages could even understand you." She stated.

"That too, reading minds gets exhausting when you have to sort what they actually are saying. I've seen more people wondering if they can get me into their shacks for the night than I ever want to think about." I complained.

"They are primatives, some thought I was something called a yaoguia. I killed them and took what was in the town. Now there are fools who are trying to appease me, by granting me offerings. I read their minds, lustful fools, I would kill them if they tried any of those things they thought of." She states, before looking at her broken saber, "or I should say could have now."

"They think I was some god in the stone, I killed some bandits that were near....those were your guys weren't they?" I asked.

"I don't know, they all look like pests to me." She stated.

The speaker approached.

"Great Shen, you spared this one who mimicked your power....many wonder if it is possible to be taught this great leap technique." The speaker said.

"The power you witnessed was the force, I doubt many could use it......I would need to find those with a strong connection to even begin such a thing." I told her.

"But master......if we could cultivate this power, we could become our own kingdom, and establish a new era in our lands. The very heavens send you to us to be our teacher, and now, we have another like you." The speaker said.

"I am nothing like this one. He is-" the woman began to say, before I silenced her.

"We are the parallels that exists in the force. Light and dark, temperance and impulse. You must know how to balance this in you, then, and only then, will the power flow through you." I explained.

"You really are tying to sound wise here." The woman said.

"It's less wisdom....more thing to fail upward. They believe I am....a great spirit incarnation, to save them from the faulty dynasty that currently rules." I explained.

"Hmmmm, every spirit needs it's demon. I am willing to play a role, on the condition, when you come to power, I will have a place in the structure." She said.

"Fair enough, Yaoguia." I said, smirking.

"What ever Shen." She responded, rolling her eyes, annoyed.

She pointed at a young man.

"You, wine, now." She told him, using telepathy to make him understand her orders.

Walking away, I felt some dread.......this.....may have been a mistake keeping her alive.

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