The Long Building Clash

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Dio was wondering, having lucky to join a ship that was traveling to the lands of the Levant. He was current pulling a rope, and securing it to let the sail catch the wind better. The few days of sailing was a new experience, but now, they were near land. 

He would walk and grab his bag, and wrap the cloth around his body, and over his head, so the hot sun wasn't beating down on him as hard. Stepping onto the docks, he looked at the port city, and found that....there were guards with spears, that looked....strange.

As he stepped close to a well, he looked around, the people were smiling, they seemed happy. Dio would keep an eye out, before he moved from the town. For the population size, it had potential, however, the feeling, the was....heavy, it felt like those lands further south.....corrupt.

The Jedi would attempt to leave the city, as he neared the gate, he would be stopped by two figures who wore black robes, they impleaded the path of Dio. 

"You! Hold it. You are not of the Path of the Dark." they said, holding a wooden staff, pointing it at Dio, and smiled.

"You're blood shall feed the Queen's power." The other said, taking two wooden clubs from his belt off and smiling.

The pair would speak an incantation, and from their hands, blood would travel up their weapons, and form metallic looking weapons, turning a staff into a spear, and the clubs into axes. 

Dio would pull his short sword and use the force to empower it, making it powerful. With a swift thrust forward, the spear acolyte would miss Dio as he dodged to the side, moving in close to strike, when the Axe Acolyte would bring both his axes down, swinging and slashing at the jedi, who blocked and even caught the arm, elbowing the acolyte in the face as he pulled an axe away, and the axe head vanished in a cloud of evaporating air. 

Dodging a second strike, by leaning back, he watched as his hair was cut just at the ends by the swinging spear, showing the end was as sharp as his own blade. He leapt up and spun in the air as the spear jabbed at his feet. Continuing the complex dance of dodges, Dio would eventually get close, grab the shaft of the spear and with his own blade, slam it down on the shaft, breaking the spear off. The axe nearly came down on him, when he delivered a whack to the side of the acolyte's head with the remains of the staff he was holding, knocking the acolyte of the dark out.

"The darkness of this land shall not remain. I am the light, and will cast it out." He proclaimed, holding his sword to the acolyte's throat. 

The acolyte scowled, before his hand radiated hear. In an attempt to strike down the jedi, he would use 3force flames, to try and burn the jedi. Dio leaned back, his back inches from the ground as he leaned back, and then as he pulled himself back up, his blade sliced up, cutting the acolyte from groin to skull, before they fell down. He turned and looked at the surviving acolyte.

"Who are you? Who sent you? Was it the Dark Lord? Was it one of the sniveling princes? WHO?!" the acolyte demanded to know.

"Who sent me? No one. It was I, Dio, who sent myself." He exclaimed, as he approached the acoltyle.

"Tell your people, that this town is no longer yours to threaten. This is under the protection, of the path of Light." He stated, pressed the blade's tip to the chest of the acolyte of Darkness.

The acolyte would wait, trying to size up the Jedi, before he turned away.

"They lady will not let this happen. You will suffer!" he shouted, as he left.

"Let her come. Her darkness will be repulsed by the light." Dio stated.

The Acolyte would leave, and the people would look at him, before he took out his scroll.

"Attention, Everyone Listen. I am a Jedi! I am here to banish the darkness from these lands. Those of you brave enough, or willing, join me! We shall defeat and save these lands, once and for all!" He announced.

Slowly, people would step forward, men, women, young and old, and they would follow Dio as he left, and started towards the next city. It would become known as the great Maenad, as every village he visited, a celebration would be held after the expulsion of the dark acolytes, and teachings would be shared.

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