Light to Okeanos

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Years have passed, Dio Nysus has created an army of his followers. He was moving far to the lands where the sun rose. Crossing the far mountains, they had escaped the lands corrupted by darkness, and now, Dio stood upon a rock to adress his army.

"Many of us are far from those lands we were born, I know many of you wish to return, I know many more have no place to return to. Many of you followed me from lands that knew only darkness. I am here to say, you do not have to follow me any more. I am marching to the far sea, alone now." Dio announced, many looked at him, surprising many of his followers.

"My lord, you have protected us from so much. Why do you wish to have us abandon you?" one asked.

"I ask not for you to leave, I ask you to chose your own destiny. Spread what I have taught you. Prepare those you find here for the darkness beyond the mountains. Let this become a home for those who seek out of darkness and into being one with the force." Dio said.

As he moved off the rock, he began his journey down the mountain. His followers would follow him, some shed their gear, leaving a trail of spears, bows, axes, swords and shields as they walked. 

As the rough terrain turned soft, the army would disperse slowly, those who were with Dio the longest went out to teach his teachings. Those who were traveling monks, teachers, guides who gave those of the land, a view of life, one that held no form of punishment, but freedom in death.

Dio moved through many lands, some of the locals would follow him, some of his followers would leave him, the story of the Enlightened path would spread. Dio Nysus would have a new name given to him as he spread his teachings. He was known by the people as the enlightened one, and his teachings would be listened to by many of of those who followed him.

Eventually decades would pass, thousands of those who followed him had spread, now, Dio Nysus, was sitting on a small island. He has used the force to create a simple home that he would live in.

One day, a young man would approach the home of Dio. Dressed in fine robes and having jewelry, he was of local royalty. Dio was sitting on a broken tree, one he smoothed with a course stone

"Great Enlightened one. Please, tell me, why do you live with so little?" The man asked.

"I have little need, the world provides many things, I just needed to go out and find them." Dio said, his hair now long gone, but did now have a beard.

"But if you can have more, you can ask for more." the man asked, looking around.

"If I have all I need, why would I want? What are those things you feel like you need?" Dio asked.

The prince looked around.

"A home that I could walk inside, a bed that I could sleep comfortably on. Those who could serve and help all those I can not do myself." the prince listed.

"You do not need these. Those who rest their head on only things soft, can never rest on something hard. My home is what I need it to be, and for help? I would learn to do something." Dio said.

He would turn to look at the the prince.

"Come, sit." Dio explained, motioning to the ground.

The prince sat down, and Dio meditated.

"I'm sitting, now what?" He asked.

"Listen." Dio said

The prince looked around, listening to the surroundings. It was calm, the distant sound nature, birds chirping, it was.....peaceful, nothing felt wrong.....there wasn't any troubles that bothered them.

"What do you know of the lands far from here?" Dio asked.

"That there are demons in the form of man there." the prince said.

"What if I could tell you there is a way to protect against them?" Dio asked.

"I would say we have enough power already. The gods will defend us." the prince said.

Dio closed his eyes.

"Many of my students claimed their gods had forsaken them. Abandoned and were consumed by the darkness of those beyond those mountains. But....I have been gifted with a power." Dio said.

He held his hand out and with a push of the force, a path cleared.

"Let word spread, my island is open to those who feel as though, they are guided by something greater." Dio said.

"A god lives on Serendib. I will spread this word." The prince said, as he sat up and walked the cleared path.

"I am no god." Dio said, "I am a man, a simple man." Dio said, meditating on the stump.

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