The Greater Sith Kingdoms

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Darth Enva would lead his army into the lands to their east. Enva had left the wife, the one he had manipulated and made into the perfect puppet, who would do anything he would want her to, and made sure, that it was clear that his child would become the next "Pharaoh" if he didn't return, under the Title of Enva the Second.

After having much of his army cross, with Segat, Cution and Conca. Darth Enva would first travel along the coast of the body of water, occasionally, the scouts would find traders or villages, and would learn of larger cities, or groups.

To the north, was the lands of Cannan, where 13 tribes were in a state of constant battle over their gods' powers. To the East, was the river peoples, many great cities in the lands between the rivers.

Darth Enva would take Conca to the east, to deal with the River people, while Segat and Cution would take the northern tribes. It would take a long time, but slowly, the armies would reach the lands and prepare for battle.

The first city to fall, was one with high walls. They were tall, with the defenders believing they were safe.

"We give you 7 days, if you do not surrender in 7 days, your walls will crumble, and my army will march through, killing you all." Enva announced.

"You're not really going to wait 7 days?" Conca asked, confused.

"No. I will simply wait until night, which seems to be in 7 hours." Enva said, as he walked to a tent, where a group of slaves were waiting on him.

Conca watched, waiting. The city, called Jericho, had no force that rallied out to meet them. It was almost humorous. As the sun began, Conca smiled.

"Soldiers of the Sith Kingdom! Prepare, we shall march onto the city, blow your horns! Rattle your shields, Chant the chants of death! This City shall see no rising sun!" She shouted, before seeing as the soldiers smiled, and began to make groups, and march.

"Downfall, Downfall, Death has come. Envy, Conquest crush them all. Death, Death, it has come, no one shall come to save you all. Execute, Subjugate, Conquest all shall know their names." The soldiers chanted, as they marched around the city's walls.

With the moon starting to rise, Enva would walk out, before raising his hands, and the city shook. He smiled, lifting the walls up, having it lift over the cities. There were cries of fear in the city, before Enva lowered his hands, and dropped the walls upon the city. Enva's army would watch, before smoke rose into the air. The Army watched, before they before they began to walk through the rubble.

"They believed that their walls would save them, only for it to be their destruction." Conca said, looking over the now ruins, as the army would kill those they found that had survived the destruction.

"Conca. I command you to conquer the rest of these lands. I shall see how the others are preforming." Enva stated.

"Yes, my lord." 


Segate was in the lower lands of rivers, he had run over many small towns, and would use his powers over the force to throw open the doors to the cities, slaughtering the people inside of the cities, before burning the temples, and enslaving the people, only to use them as human shields, or as servants to build future ritual sites that Segate would use.

"Your work is rather crude. I can appreciate a dark lord who has vision." Enva said.

"Why not, a darth with vision?" Segate asked.

Enva would turn, using the force to quickly grab the sith's throat, choking him.

"I am the only Darth on this world, and unless you best me in combat, there is no moving forward from your position." He threatened, before throwing the dark lord to the ground. 

Segate was gripping his throat, looking at Enva walking away. Bringing up his coms device, he entered a code to let him talk to Lord Cution.

"Cution. I have a proposition for you."


Cution grit his teeth. He had conquered a great city, a trade hub. He had defiled the sacred sites, executing hundreds of captured slaves. The temple, or keep, what ever it was, had red walls that now marked the center of the city.

Enva smiled, sitting in a great banquet hall, eating with Lord Cution.

"I am rather pleased with your efforts. Your Counter parts I am.....less than pleased with. My reports from Conca has her seducing the other tribes and taking their lands, after she has made them loyal. It is too slow. And Segat, he is becoming more ambitious of his position. I feel that you are the safest bet to have becoming a ruler of the new kingdom, I will let Segat become your student, and I will deal with Conca." Enva said, before he took a sip of wine.

Enva coughed, feeling a burning, his vision blurred, he looked at Cution.

"You traitor!" He shouted, standing up, lifting a hand to blast the kaleesh with lightning, only for him to miss and fall to the ground.

Heavy footsteps grew louder as Cution walked over

"I thank you my lord, for appointing me the New Darth of this planet. I will tell your other fools that you died by chance, killed by an arrow, by a lucky primitive, who was killed, after many long hours of torture. I will tell the people of My new empire. To remember you, Long Live the Darths." Cution said, smiling, before he took out his lightsaber and ignited it, killing the Sith Pureblood.

Over the next years, there would develop a between Segat and Cution, both desired the title of Darth, and both took it, calling the other a false Darth. Conca, on the other hand, away from the bickering over who is the true darth, simply titled herself "The Dark Lady of the Levant" 

In the Empire of Black Sand, (Egypt), A messenger would report to the Regent. 

"I am most saddened to bare this news to you, Regent Namu, but...The Pharoh, was assassinated. You are in command, until Enva II is ready to take the throne." the Messenger said, presenting a small box, containing Enva's lightsaber 

The Regent, slave wife to Enva, closed her eyes, before snapping her fingers. A guard would walk up to the messenger, before his throat was slit.

"Feed him to the Crocodiles." She ordered, the body being dragged off, before she looked down, holding the saber in her hand.

"I will continue my Master's will." She said, her hands shaking, as she set down the lightsaber.

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