The Empire of Black

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Lord Enva, along with his Apprentices, which he had given their Sith names. Lord Enva was a Sith Pureblood, and lead his forces, made up of his 3 apprentices, along with a company, along with some platoons that were made up of Imperial Navy soldiers. The ship they had crashed inside of, was beyond repair, so, much to the dismay of the forces, they were stranded, supplies were gathered from the ship and they set off, heading in the direction of the rising sun, bringing them closer to a great river. 

After walking for some time, they would reach a river, and notice, humans. These humans were on boats of straw, dressed in loose white cloth.

"I feel that there wont be much in terms of Advanced technology here." Acolyte Segat said, tall frame was exemplified by his terrifying the reptilian features, with the robes and the bones of his kills, marking his trandoshan heritage.

"It would seem. Let us see where the river leads. We head north." The Sith lord stated, before he knelt down, and drank from the water, finding it fresh water.

"Fill up your canteens, it will be a long march north." the Captain ordered.

The soldiers would fill their canteens up with water, before they would march north. By the end of the day, the sun would nearly set and the forces would reach a hill, finding a walled city in the distance. Lord Enva smiled, his red skin, along with black metallic armor were caked in sand, and now, he had a source where he could re-establish power, or take power, to start a conquest of this planet.

"Lord Enva, what is the plan?" Acolyte Conca asked, her feline features making her look refined, hiding her schemeing mind being one of a relaxed expression, as she looked over the city in the distance.

"We should just break down the gate and start killing those in our way, until we reach the great temple and proclaim victory over the city." Acolyte Cution, his bone mask was decorated with alchemical symbols, as he was more of an sorcerer, his Kaleesh heritage and beliefs made him a loyal student, at a time.

"I believe power will be shown, but killing without direction will simply limit the number of slaves we will have in the future." Lord Enva said, as he put on his mask, hiding the marks of him being a sith Pureblood, and pulled up his hood.

"Captain Thorn, you will stay back, acolytes, follow me." Lord Enva said, as he walked towards the illuminated gate of the stand stone city.

A small ball activated and Acolyte Cution inserted a card.

"I have built this with a universal translator, to so it shall serve us well." Acolyte Cution said, smiling.

The Interrogation droid followed, before the Sith would arrive at the gate. The man at the gate pointed his spear, made of bronze and wood, and shouted.

"Who are you? Why do you wear filthy robes?" He asked.

Lord Enva raised his hand before the man was thrown meters away from the  gate, crashing into the field that was near the Nile. As he walked through gates, many people gathered to watch them get closer.

A set of guards moved to block the progress of the sith. One held a khopesh, and they all had hide shields. 

"Cease your movement! You wear apparel designated for the highest class, yet you look more like raiders of the desert. We do not accept thieves into our city." the lead guard said.

Lord Enva looked at the 8 guards.

"Deal with them Conca, show me your skill with your lightsaber." He stated, before the Zygerrian woman drew her saber staff, rushing forward and ignited both ends, the red blades extended out. 

With a swift move, she slashed through one of the guards, cut a spear in half, stabbing through another shield, beheaded another. Her deadly dance would be swift and smooth, killing all 8 of the guards, before the red blades retracted into the hilt of her saber staff.

"Good work." was all Lord Enva said, before he walked toward the large temple, further in the city's limits. 

Upon reaching the steps, many guards were standing in their way, many fearful. Acolyte Cution raised his hand, before with a single word escaped his lips.


The guards all dropped their weapons, running away, either up the steps, towards the palace, or down other stair ways, that lead them away from the sith.

Reaching the top of the stairs, Lord Enva noted a woman. Using the force, he pulled her close, before he looked her in the eyes.

"Where is the ruler of this city?" He asked.

The woman pointed into a great hall.

"Lead us to them." He commanded.

The woman would lead the 4, until, in a great hall, with 4 guards standing fearful, an old man sat on the throne, wearing a crown that best could be described as a rumble-pin pin, that was all white. The only difference was a snake that decorated the part just on the bottom. 

"You dare enter the throne room of Pharoh Kamose!" the man on the throne stood up, showing his age as he picked up a while with 3 weights on the end.

"I dare. I am Lord Enva, the new Lord of this planet, and I shall be starting by taking your throne!" He said, pulling out his lightsaber and igniting the red blade. 

He would move swiftly, cutting the Pharoh's head off. The body was thrown down the steps as Lord Enva walked up the steps and sat on the throne.

"I am now the lord of this kingdom! I am Darth Enva! Kneel before me!" He shouted, using the force to amplify his power.

Many people gathered to see the people inside the hall, all had bowed down to him, mostly out of fear. The Sith army would approach the city the next morning. The Upper kingdom of Egypt would be abolished, as the new Sith Kingdom would be born, the birth of the Empire of Black Sands would be born, and Darth Enva, would move his sights to the rest of the known world of the time.

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