01 | First Meeting

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A/N: This is based on a true story. I hope you enjoy reading it! :)


The students in this school boast of money and fame... both of which I don't really have.

My name's Caitlin, a transferee at St. Aloysius School, a private catholic high school in our  tiny city, where the rich kids, of both academic extremes, spend their teenage school life. My mother believed that graduating here would do my resumé good in the future.

My family belonged to the low middle class range. I was an academic performer so I managed to hit on some financial education aid which helped me begin my high school journey in a prestigious school. That's why I'm here.

Basic description? Simple. An introvert who loved books more than social interaction. One that my classmates called nerd and boyish because I have an older brother whose footsteps, fashion sense included, I followed.

Physically, I don't look that bad. I have long, brunette hair, dark brown eyes, with a slightly tanned skin, normal nose, and two tiny dimples below the corners of my mouth that only appear when I smile—which I rarely do outside of my comfort zone. I am absolutely unremarkable... according to the mirror.

In the later part of my primary school years, I found a number of creatively folded papers in between the pages of my books. I believed my classmates might have thought I needed bookmarks. I only found out they were silly love letters and confessions when my brother, Carl, scanned my books and unfolded the said 'bookmarks'. Considering my physical description, I guess those boys needed some eye consultation.

Childish, isn't it? Carl teased me to death because of those letters. And that's when my mother made me promise not to get into relationships until I succeed in life. Not a problem... or so I thought.

I was a quiet person, I rarely initiate a conversation. So when a full-blown extrovert sat beside me on the first day of school, my social battery has gone down to one percent almost immediately.

"Hi, I am Jane! What's your name?" she asked, smiling widely at me, her eyes excitedly twinkling for the start of the school year.


"You're new, aren't you? You are... quiet."

I simply nodded. There were other new students here, not just me. But she chose to bother me instead of finding someone who would actually talk to her.

She was my total opposite; we're like night and day, winter and spring, rain and sunshine.

"I live close by, I know most of our classmates except for the new ones so... I'll start to get to know you first! I studied here for primary school, too. How about y—"

"Hi, Jane!" Two cute boys interrupted her getting-to-know-Caitlin moment. I looked out the window, thinking I could finally have a rest from her. Her energy was a little overwhelming.

"Hi, Daniel, Jason!" Jane's voice was very cheerful.

"Who's your new friend?" one of them asked.

"Oh. Her name's Caitlin, she's a transferee."

"Hi!" The one called Daniel sat at the seat in front of me and tried to get me to look at him by directly staring at my face. When he got my attention, he smiled. He has bright, light brown eyes, baby-faced look, and pointy nose.

Responding was my only way out of this awkward social interaction that is needed in order to make friends. But then again, I don't need friends.

"Hi," I replied blandly without smiling.

Young Hearts: A teenage romance short storyWhere stories live. Discover now