16 | Graduation

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Time flew.

In a blink of an eye, we're finally graduating.

Reminiscing our times before finally leaving the school made me want to cry. I thought I wouldn't graduate here. I thought I wouldn't make friends. I thought school life was only all about studying and learning.

This school proved me wrong. And I was grateful for that.

"Aaaw, she's sad." Jane teased as she came to me while I was looking at the school entrance. I grinned. "Let's go," I allowed her to pull me.

Jason joined later and put his arm around me, "We'll still be friends even though we'll end up in different universities. Try not to hurt anybody there, okay?" He joked and I laughed.

"Study harder Jason. I won't be with you to help you out. You have to stand on your own," I scolded him.

"I will miss our group study sessions where only one studies with you because the other two are goofing around," he chuckled.

Daniel blocked us. "Can I talk to her for a second?" The other two stepped away with Jason teasingly mouthed, "just one second," and Jane giggling a lot.

"Hi!" I said.

He smiled. "I just wanted to thank you for everything." 

"I didn't really do anything much for you," I chuckled.

"You just didn't know..." He rubbed his nape. "I just want to say sorry for the many times I wasted sulking and getting mad."

"Not your fault. Everyone moves on in their own time. It was my fault for not addressing the issue properly." I waved my hand to dismiss his apology.

"I am happy that I get to end high school with you on a positive note."

I smiled. "Yes, and you should stay happy. When we're older, we could just laugh at our young romance."

He chuckled.

Daniel and Charlotte broke up only recently. Charlotte got tired because Daniel couldn't return the love that she had for him even though she tried really hard. He felt guilty and wanted to end it early on but Charlotte believed he could turn his feelings around in time. It didn't happen.

"Done?" Jason shouted from a few meters away.

"Dan, I am happy that we met. It has been an amazing rollercoaster ride." I opened my arms. "Can I have a hug?"

He came closer and squeezed me. "I am happier that you came into my life. Thank you."

We walked towards Jane and Jason whom I noticed have become closer than ever. Probably because they always spent time with each other when all I did was be in unconventional relationships and stay in the library.

I was glad that I was closing out high school in good terms with people I have hurt. It was a big relief. I have long moved on but it lessons it left me were here to stay. It taught me feelings I thought I never have, I learned to open up and accept things I couldn't change, and I learned how it feels to like and care for someone. Daniel was a big part of my high school life.

"Enough soppy messages." Jane grumbled. We all laughed. "Let's go!"

As the four of us happily walked in to the school, another person blocked us.

"Oh, goodness me! I'll charge the next person who's going to take your time from me!" Jane marched away. Jason tapped James on the shoulder and followed Jane. Daniel reluctantly left.

"Hi, Caitlin." His face had mixed emotions written all over it.

"Hi, James." I smiled. Somehow, I missed him even though he's standing right there.

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