09 | The Thrill

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When we walked in the room, Jane puts her elbow on my desk and rested her chin on her palm. She seemed to know what just happened and I have no idea how. I wasn't planning on telling anyone. I would have liked to keep it a secret even to her and Jason but I sense it's not possible.

"So...?" Her eyes twinkling.

"W-what?" I pretended but it seemed like I was failing at everything today.

"I know what happened." The grin on her face said it all. I knew it.

"What do you mean?" I frowned, still pretending.

"Did you notice a phone on the table?" I tried to remember and indeed, there was a phone which Daniel took after we talked, so I nodded. "That's my second phone. I called my other phone which was in my pocket so I could hear your conversation," she grinned naughtily. Unbelievable.

I shook my head.

"Don't worry, I will keep it a secret, too." She smiled with her starry eyes. "Finally!" she said as she sighed happily.

"Don't keep your hopes up. I have a feeling this will fail, somehow."

"You're such a pessimist. Stop that," she pouted.

Having no idea at how relationships work, I planned on just staying the same as I was. Then I would open up my thoughts to him as much as I can so he would always understand me. This might be a good trial to have.

The days that followed were remarkably different... and I'll be honest, quite fun. A kind of fun that I could never believe I have opened myself to.

Jane would drag Jason in front when the four of us are walking together so Daniel and I could be on our own behind them. He would save a seat for me beside him in the cafeteria. He would switch seats with Jane who sat beside me in class. He would invite Jane and I at their house.

Lucy was pleased to hear about the positive turn of events. She mentioned that Daniel has been dedicating time to studying in the evening and has never been livelier. He tried to help with chores, too when he learned that I could do all sorts of them like cooking, doing the laundry and cleaning up mess. His room has become tidy, according to her.

Since I didn't have a phone, sometimes Jane would lend me her second phone just to be able to keep in touch with him on weekends when we don't see each other.

And those were kind of moments when  a burst of thrill would fill up my heart which I thought was not possible for me. My brain was still not a fan of the whole idea but was keeping quiet and letting my heart have its satisfaction.

James began to notice that I have been refusing to teach him but would agree to study with Daniel. I argued that he was doing much better and other students need help, too.

Daniel and I were by the benches, studying together when we were approached by James who seemed frustrated.

"Caitlin, this is supposed to be my time with you. You are spending too much time with Daniel recently. Does that mean you were caught up in the deal?"

Daniel's look was filled with with so many questions.

"James, I spend my time with whoever I want. I also teach Jason. There's nothing wrong with that."

"Well, there is... because I am jealous!" his voice raised up a few notches.

Students who heard James started whispering.

"I should start charging for my lessons and time." I tried to play it cool.

"Dude, you have no other relationship with Caitlin except for being in the same class. Why don't you find another girl who would go crazy over spending time with you?" I could hear Daniel's annoyance gaining momentum. James made a fist and was fuming with Daniel's retort.

Young Hearts: A teenage romance short storyWhere stories live. Discover now