07 | Third Sign

22 2 1

The two weeks deadline was nearly over.

I stopped thinking about the deal and just got on with my life like nothing was shaking my mental stability.

Jane sometimes mentioned it but I played it cool and diverted the topic to something else because the thought of the deal gave me anxiety.

My closeness with Daniel was affected. He wasn't as lively as before. He was cautious when he approached me and it annoyed me that I began to worry about him and how he felt. There was this bubbling discomfort in me everytime I see him looking dejected and melancholic.

I was walking by the park when I saw Jason. He was sitting alone on a bench with his head down.

"You had a bad break up or something?" I asked.

"Really, Caitlin?" he retorted.

"That's how you look like right now," I grinned and sat down beside him.

He smiled because he knew I was just trying to lighten up his mood. But boy, he was really serious.

"Wow. Thanks for noticing miss expert," he mumbled sarcastically. I laughed.

I slouched on the seat and looked at the trees. "What did I do...?" It wasn't even a question for him. Maybe I could expect some feedback from the trees.

"Do you want to tell me what's up? You've been acting strange lately." Jason sighed as he tore apart a leaf he picked off the ground.

"I'm bad news, Jason. I shouldn't have been involved with you guys. Let's take Daniel as an example..."

"If you tell me what you're thinking... then maybe I could help." It's the first time Jason and I had a serious chat like this.

"I'm an independent girl who can solve her own problems," I grinned.

"No man is an island," he replied.

"But I am not a man..." I stuck my tongue out at him.

He shook his head and smiled. "Do you know most boys in the class have a crush on you?" He changed the topic quickly like he was really meaning to tell me that.

"You talking to me?" I gave him a half smile.

He turned from smiling to serious real quick. "It's true. I asked around. Like an interview. I asked who their top three girls are in the class. You were always in the answers."

"Now you do research? I think we should have a collab." I giggled.

"You're smart, you didn't care about how you look... although everyone thought you are actually pretty. You have a coldness in you that boys think they can melt away. You also know a lot of things, mostly boy things, and they find that attractive."

"Oh, that's enough compliment. My head's getting bigger by the second." I shook my head. "I am ordinary, Jason."

'I am not someone anyone should waste their time on.' I thought.

"Wrong. You are special... to Daniel... to me."

I looked at him. He was staring at me like I've never seen before. There was a sudden change in the air that made me feel weird and unsure.

I have to dismiss the thought of diving in too deep in this discussion. "We are still young and I don't know why this is what people focus on. We're only turning fourteen. We have a lot more in store ahead of us. We're only just beginning." I stood up, "And besides, puppy love doesn't last."

"You know, grades are not everything," he said.

"And so is a fleeting moment of love at this age."

Young Hearts: A teenage romance short storyWhere stories live. Discover now